Training and Scouting

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The Horsemen woke early the next morning, meeting in the living room to discuss the plan.

"We should scout the enemy today, figure out what they are going to do," Carter said from his perch on the sofa.

"We also need to practice our powers," Percy reminded everyone as he played with some water in the air around him, making it turn into horses and wolves.

"Yeah, but how do we do that?" Janette asked from her seat on the chair next to Percy.

"Chaos said that Percy knew a lot about his powers, maybe he can help us," Allis said as she cooked in the kitchen.

"I learned by instinct, but I can try to teach you guys what I know," Percy said as he flattened his hand to make the water become a solid sheet of ice.

"That's good enough for me, she do we start?" Carter asked, lazily rising to his feet.

"Now would be good," Janette said, also rising to her feet.

"Not yet, I just made breakfast so lets eat and then practice," Allis said as she put four plates of eggs and bacon on the table. The other three instantly appeared at the table, eager to eat.

After breakfast, the four trooped outside to a clearing that Allis and Carter had found the night before. Percy had them all line up at one end of the clearing while he got four logs and placed them across from each Horsemen, plus one for him. He took his spot next to Carter, and said, "My powers are over water, so when I use my powers I reach towards a source of water. Before Chaos, I had to have something like a lake or a river, but now I can use the water molecules in the air itself. I concentrate on the water and direct it, willing it to do what I want. For example," Percy slashed his hands in a diagonal line towards the log across from him, which was instantly cut in half by a line of water. "The water did what I wanted, but I am not its master. Water is unrestrained, it wants to be free, so I don't try to control it, I try to direct it. I imagine the same applies for air, fire, and earth. Why don't you try?"

Janette, Carter, and Allis all concentrated on the logs in front of them, feeling for a source of their element around them, they then slashed their hands like Percy, trying to direct them element towards their log. Nothing happened.

"It's ok, it took me weeks to perfect that, but I don't think it will take us that long. Try again, but reach deep inside yourself for the power," Percy said, thrusting his hands at his log, causing a stream of water to drill a hole in the middle.

Janette concentrated on the log in front of her, reaching deep inside toward her heart, where she always felt a tug when doing magic, and felt the air around her start to swirl a little faster. She raised a hand, feeling the air follow it, and slashed forward, causing the to to rush towards the log. It would have worked, except she had lost her concentration at the end and the air slowed down before it hit the log, merely rocking it. She looked so crestfallen that Percy came over and lifted her head with a finger, smiling down at her as he said, "Don't worry, you were the first to actually have some control over your element. All you have to do now is practice, and soon you'll be perfect at it," Janette smiled back, before turning back to the log with a determined look in her eyes.

Carter stared at his log with a warriors fierceness, he thought of Zia and how she use to create fire out of nothing. He had asked her once how she did that, and she had told him that fire was just heat, and there was a lot of heat in the air. The thought of Zia made him sad, but t also reminded him why he was there. He reached towards his log, feeling a tug in his hand like when he summoned his avatar, and then he pushed. The air around his hand suddenly went cold, and a small flame flew forward, scorching the log. Carter grinned, he had learned from Zia and Sadie that to become the best at something, you had to practice a lot. Carter wouldn't stop practicing until he could finally get his revenge.

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