What Happened to Percabeth

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Present day before Percy left camp, but the second time around.
Percy sat by the lake, staring out at setting sun. He sighed as he thought about the person who was missing, again. This was the third date that Annabeth had missed, and he was getting worried. The sad truth was, Annabeth was the only reason that Percy hadn't left yet.
It all started a few weeks after the giant war, which they had narrowly won. Percy hadn't wanted to boast about the fact that he was the one who had finally beat Gaea, so he had watched quietly as the camp celebrated and gave all the credit to a son of Apollo named Alec White. Percy had been glad to let someone who had never gotten recognition take the credit, besides, nothing too bad would happen, he thought. He was wrong.
Percy's main problem in his thinking was that he assumed Alec was as honorable as he was. He never thought that all that fame would go to someone's head, after all, it didn't for him. He found out just how wrong he was when the campers started to blame him.
It started out small enough, they would say that he had stolen something that the Stolls had really stolen. He would take the blame, and next thing you know everyone knows that Percy would take the fall. Then it went to a whole new level, soon the campers would blame him for monster attacks, and after that, he was the reason that their friends and family were dead. Soon almost everyone at camp was against him, only Annabeth, Nico, Thalia, Grover, and Tyson dent desert him. Annabeth because she was his girlfriend, the others were hardly at camp so they weren't exposed to the hatred if the other campers.
Now he was afraid that he was losing Annabeth too. He got to his feet wearily, deciding to go and search for his missing girlfriend. He walked towards the cabins, thinking that she might be at the Athena cabin. He knocked on the door when he reached it, but Malcolm was the one to open the door. He raised an eyebrow, clearly annoyed that Percy had interrupted whatever he was doing.
"Is Annabeth in?" asked Percy.
"No," Malcolm promptly slammed the door in Percy's face. Percy sighed, knowing that it wasn't personal. The Athena kids were always irritable when anyone interrupted them when they were working.
Percy started to jog towards the woods, remembering a clearing that he and Annabeth had found last week. It took him twenty minutes to find it again, and she wasn't there. He sighed again, it seemed like he would never find her. He was about to go back when he heard a giggle, he turned to find a dryad watching and laughing at him, smiling flirtatiously when she saw she had been noticed. Having an idea, Percy sprung to his feet and walked over to the sprite-like girl.
"Have you seen anyone pass by? he asked as he leaned against her tree.
"Oh yeah, it was a few minutes ago. A girl and a boy; the girl had blonde, curly hair and gray eyes. The boy had beautiful blue eyes, and hair the color of silver. They went around that corner," she giggled again, leaning forward as if to get a kiss from him.
Percy was confused. The two people that the dryad had just described were Annabeth and Alec, what would they be doing out here? he turned and walked away from the dryad, hearing her pout that she hadn't even got a kiss.
Percy followed the trail indicated by the dryad, walking as quietly as he could for some reason. He found out why a second later. He rounded the corner to discover Annabeth being pushed up against a tree, with her lips pressed against Alec's. thinking that she was being forced to kiss Alec, Percy got ready to spring toward and save his girlfriend. He stopped a second later, Annabeth had just whispered a word. A word that caused Percy's blood to turn to ice, and his heart to whither in his chest. She had whispered,"Alec"
Percy quickly spun around and sprinted away, away for that area where his heart had been taken out and stamped on. He sprinted all the way to his cabin, ignoring the murderous looks that the campers gave him. He entered the cabin and sank onto his bed, groaning in pain as he did so. He remained like that for twenty five minutes, and then came a knock on his door.
"Percy Jackson I know you're in there! how could you skip our date! I know you haven't been feeling well the last few days, but that's no reason to skip our date, I could help you!" Annabeth shouted from the otherwise of the door.
Percy saw red, he was so angry that he leapt from the bed and wrenched the door open, surprising the girl on the other side. He glared at her, causing her to take a step back, before growling out, "How could I? How could you! I have been nothing but faithful to you, and you just spit in my face! We are done Annabeth, if I never see your face again, it would be too soon!"
Annabeth paled, surprised at this outbursts. At first she was afraid that he had discovered her relationship with Alec, but she dismissed that a second later. There was no way that Percy could know about her and Alec, so what was he talking about?
"Calm down Percy, what do you mean "spit on your face"? And surely you dot really want to break up?!?" she said as she lay a comforting hand on his shoulder, trying to calm him down. On the rare times Percy got angry, it was terrifying.
"What I mean is that I know about you and Alec, and I am dead serious about us being done," Percy spoke in a deadly whisper, that caused Annabeth to step back as if she had been slapped. She was about to deny what he said, when he spoke again, "And don't try to tell me I'm wrong. You have a hickey on your neck, and I know it wasn't from me because I haven't seen you for a week!" And with that he slammed the door shut.
Annabeth left thinking that Percy would come around eventually, he may be mad but they were still friends, right? Of course, she never thought that he would be packing all of his stuff at the current moment, and she never thought that he was sneaking out of camp when she sat down to eat. She did realize one thing that night, she realized that she had screwed up. As she sat at the Athena table she began to a Thalia hear the whispers, the accusations against Percy. They were all for things that she knew he would never do, and many of the campers were saying that they should just kick Percy out. They had Alec now, why would they need an old hero? Too bad they got there wish.
As for Percy, he had just finished packing and was at the camp border. As he looked out across the strawberry fields, and the lake, and even the cabin area he realized something important, he was going to miss this place. He wouldn't miss the last few months, but it was the times before that that he would miss. The times when he would sit at the bonfire with his friends and wings stupid songs, or when they would play a game of capture the flag in the woods, or even the times they would be prank we by the Stolls. It wasn't a perfect life, but it was a good one.
"Αντίο παλιέ μου φίλε," Percy whispered as he put a hand on Thalia's old tree.(farewell my old friend)
Percy turned to leave, deciding to go someplace far away. As he took a step away, a shimmering, black circle appeared out of nowhere, and a beautiful woman stepped out. When Percy looked at her, he got a feeling of déjà vu like he had seen her before. This wasn't the first time he had gotten this feeling, sometimes he would get jut don looking at an old tree.
"Hello Perseus, it has been a long time my child. You do not know what I mean when I say that it is time, but soon enough you will. I only ask that you trust me, and I know that you feel as if you can," said the strange woman. Percy wanted to deny what she said, but deep down he felt like he could trust her, even as if he thought of her as a mother. He couldn't stop himself from reaching out and taking her offered hand, and he wasn't even afraid when she pulled him through the strange black hole.
His real life was about to start.

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