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Carter and Nhoj hurried to run get out of the command tent, cradling the letter close to their chests to protect it. Carter had his Khopesh out, easily slicing a way through the enemies. Nhoj had a sword out, proving that he was able to protect himself just as well as any soldier.

"Almost there, how you doing?" Carter shouted to Nhoj, who was fighting a large Otulpian.

Nhoj ducked a sword stroke, before shouting, "Im fine, just concentrate on getting through!" Before bringing sword up to block another strike from his opponent.

Carter grinned, before growing out a hand to point at a section if the fence. Immediately, that section began to glow red hot, burning with a white hot flame. Carter then sliced through the half melted fence, jumping through to find Percy waiting for him with a grin and two staffs.

Carter easily caught he staff when Percy tossed it to him, turning to blast a path of fire for Nhoj to follow, leading the soldier out of the camp.

"So, how'd it go?" Percy asked, leaning nonchalantly on his own staff.

Carter shrugged, "Ok I guess, we found what we came for. It seems the princess is being held in a mountain camp, and we need to rescue her before her execution," he said in boredom.

"Hmmmm, I guess that means that we don need this thing anymore," he said while gesturing towards the camp.

Carter shook his head, "No we don't, would you like to do the honors?"

Percy grinned a terrifying grin, "It would be my pleasure ," he then raised his staff and concentrated. A giant wave of water appeared, crashing over the whole camp. Before it could escape through the fences, Percy caused it to freeze solid.

"Did you just kill them all?" Nhoj asked in surprise.

Percy shook his head, "No, I froze them alive. They're still alive, just preserved. If you transport them back to their home world you can thaw them out and let them go. Until then, they'll just sit here frozen."

"Lets get the girls, we have a mountain camp to attack," Carter said with a grin.
"Nice job Percy," Allis said as the boys appeared at the tent, the girls having gone there when they saw the giant wave.

Percy bowed, "Thank you one and all, I'm here all week," he said with an impish grin, causing the other three Horsemen to laugh.

"You are all so strange," Nhoj muttered.

"That we are, that we are," Carter said jovially. "Anyway, I believe we have an attack to plan," he said as he sunk contentment onto the couch.

"These two found out that the princess is being held in mountain camp, Nhoj says that he knows where, and the princess is fated to be executed. We need to rescue her before that happens, if she does it could demoralize the Euntpenians." Percy said, going into his tactician mode.

"How many guards are at the fort?" Carter asked, pulling out a map they had received from Nhoj.

Nhoj pointed at a section of the map, "The camp is here, it has a somewhere between three hundred to four hundred guards, it depends on how many recruits are being sent from their capital."

"We can take that many guards. Where do you think the princess is being held?" Janette asked, staring at the map to memorize the mountain section.

Nhoj shrugged, "I'm not sure, but our scouts report a building that looks like a prison. The building is near the outskirts of the camp, but its the second most protected building there," he said as he sat down.

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