An Assassin's Betrayal

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The three Horsemen stared in surprise as Allis stepped forward.
"As you know, my name is Allis. It wasn't always Allis though, I was born with the name Abbey. I was born to a group that are similar to the Egyptian magicians, except we followed the Norse gods. We had a war as well, a war against the frost giants. They were the enemies of the gods, and they hated us with all of their cold hearts. They attacked us when we least expected it, destroying almost every single one of us. Only three of us survived: me, my best friend, and my worst enemy. We fought together, killing many giants, but before long it was only me and my enemy. We both survived the war, the giants were eventually defeated by the gods, and we separated ways. I became an assassin, but I had a rule. I would never kill anyone innocent. I only ever came close to breaking that rule once. It was awhile ago, I was contacted to kill a boy. The man said that this boy was the leader of an army that was trying to take over the world, that he was a powerful boy who was power hungry. I looked into it, and found evidence that the boy was not innocent, I found out later that the evidence was not accurate, and then I set out to kill him. Generally my employers don't give me information, but this one gave me the boys name, a name that would haunt me for a very long time," she paused and glanced up at them, smiling in dark amusement, "The name was Percy Jackson."
Every head whirled towards Allis, gaping in surprise. Percy seemed the most surprised, not that he had an assassin after him, but that he had never seen her.
"As you can guess, I never killed him. I nearly did, when he was asleep in a building in Manhattan. I actually tried to impale him through the stomach, my knife broke. Before I could try again, a girl came into the room. She looked punk, except for a silver tiara in her hair. She carried a bow, so I expected to kill her easily and get back to the job," Percy let out a chuckle, causing Janette and Carter to look at him confused. He just gave them a knowing smile, before gesturing for Allis to continue.
"I struck first, intending to stab her in he neck. Instead, I found myself on the ground with a long knife stuck to my throat. She let me get up, taunting me to try again. I lunged at her, this time intending to slit her throat, but instead I was on the ground again! I got the hint, I was good but she was better. No doubt she would have killed me, but she seemed distracted by a sound that I could only describe as piglike. She ran out, dragging me along with her. I broke free when we were outside, making a run for it. I spent the next few days watching, seeing that I was wrong. Percy Jackson was many things, but he wasn't guilty enough to die. After that, I left them alone. I didn't get paid because my employer was killed, at least I think he was," she turned to Percy, who gave a short nod, "my betrayal happened a year after that. My old enemy approached me, telling me that he had found a man who could bring our people back to life, but I had to kill someone first," Carter noticed a single tear track down her cheek, "I agreed, eager to save my friends and family. I met with the man, he showed me his power to bring the dead back. I set out to find the man after that, he was a tyrant king who ruled his people cruelly. I figured that his death would do more good than bad. What I didn't realize was that the man who approached me was going to take over after the man had died. That may not seem bad, but the man had an idea. He didn't want to take over every nation or person in the world, that would be too much trouble for him. No, he planned to detonate a few nuclear warheads in every country, and destroy every person in the world except the people in his nation. Then, he would be the ruler of the world," she paused and looked at each of them, seeing that they were all engrossed in her story. She smiled, not use to so much attention on her.
"Well, keep going," Percy said in excitement, his eyes dancing with joy.
Startled, Allis launched back into the story, "While I was under cover in the castle, pretending to be a servant, I was betrayed. It was my old enemy, his name was Matt, came to the castle and told the tyrant king who I was. I was captured and tortured, held in a dungeon for three months. Eventually I got out, killing the king as I did. I wandered the world for a few months, before I found what I was looking for. Matt was hiding in a country known as Greece, and he was in the middle of a war. A war between Giants and a race that we didn't know, but the Giants were nothing like frost giants. They stood taller, and some had dragons legs. One had hair that spewed snakes, and one breathed fire. I never stayed to see the outcome, I just took my revenge on Matt, I let him live with a traitors mark on his brow. Now, anyone from our world that may have survived will know that he is a traitor, one spurned by the gods!" Allis grinned triumphantly, before blushing when the others clapped. "After that I was found by Chaos, and you know the rest," she finished quietly, surprised when she saw respect in the others eyes.
Allis sat down, feeling like she was actually becoming a part of something good. Not like her old family, but maybe a new family.
"I guess I'll go next," Janette muttered as she stood and walked to the front.
"First thing you should know, I died,"

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