Eli Clark (Halloween Special)

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Everyone in the Oletus Manor had received skins

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Everyone in the Oletus Manor had received skins. The postman had received a skin called Specter, the priestess received a skin called guiding spirit, the axe boy received a skin called pumpkin lamp, and many others while you received a skin called dreams which was a (Favorite Color) off-shoulder dress. Everyone was also excited for the Halloween party tonight that was going to be held at Moonlit River Park.

"I'm going to be like Joker!" Mike says, making a face that made the survivors laugh. "I'm going to be a Jack radish!" Servais says. "Jack radish? What do you mean by that?" Mike asks him. "I'm going to dress up as Jack and place pieces of the leaf on my head!"

 "I'm going to dress up as Jack and place pieces of the leaf on my head!"

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"I hope Jack doesn't kill you," Mike says before heading off to his room. "Alright, everybody! It's almost time to go! Change to your costumes and be ready by 5:30!" Demi says with a speaker. Some survivors went away but a few had stayed. "Pst, (First Name)! Come over here." Emily says. On the table were Emma, Vera, Patricia, Fiona, and Emily herself. "I want you all to spread to the others that we should ignore Eli since it's his birthday today. That's all, you may go now."

Thirty minutes have passed and everyone knew what to do for Eli. "Time to go!" Emily says before giving a headcount for the survivors. When everyone was complete, they were all transported to their destination. "Everyone will split up by pairs and be back by 7:00 so we can have dinner." You were paired with Eli who was dressed up as a vampire though he was looking a bit down. You couldn't help but feel bad that everyone had been ignoring Eli so you decided to talk to him. "What's wrong Eli?" Eli shook his head. "Nothing's wrong. Come on, let's get going." Eli starts walking ahead of you. Although you rode with Eli a couple of rides, he seemed like he was occupied with his thoughts.

"Are you not enjoying it because of me?" You ask him. "Should I exchange with Norton? Maybe you'll like his company better than mine." Eli shook his head. "It's not that I'm not enjoying but I don't understand why is everyone acting strange towards me."

"Strange? How strange?"

"It's as if I'm not existent."

"Hey, at least I'm here." You reassure Eli and hug him. He returns the hug and muttered a thank you. A few whiles later, everyone gathered up by the circus tent. When you entered the tent together with Eli, it was dark and no one could see a thing. Suddenly, the lights when on and everyone sang a happy birthday song to Eli. Eli was shocked and forgot that today was his birthday. No wonder why everyone was acting strange towards him. "Thank you, everyone." He says before closing his eyes to make a wish. He blew the candle and everyone cheered for him.

After everyone had eaten dinner, all the survivors must enter the haunted house. Those survivors who escape with the shortest amount of time wins. "Think of it as a game," Emily says before letting Victor and Andrew enter the haunted house first. It took quite a while and you could see the fear etched on Victor's face when he went out.

Next was William and Naib. William kept running around to find the exit. When he found it in three minutes, he breathes a sigh of relief though he was disqualified since Naib was still inside. When Naib finally got out, he smacked William on the head and scolded him for leaving him alone.

After William and Naib, it was Mike and Norton. Mike was a scaredy-cat and kept jumping around while Norton was calm and kept looking for clues. When they went out, Mike vomited out his dinner since he jumped too much. You were up next with Eli but you were afraid. Eli noticed this and held your hand in his. "Don't worry, I'll protect you." You blush at his statement and nod.

A few jumps scare here and there but Eli was able to block your view. He also made sure you were alright after. These little gestures made you feel butterflies in your stomach. Is this what having a crush on someone who feels like? After wondering a bit and looking for clues, you could see the exit. "Should we go out now?" You ask Eli. "I'm feeling weird," Eli says which made you worried. "What's wrong?" You touched his forehead and compared it to yours but it was normal. "I feel cold." He brings you into a hug and rests his head on your shoulders.

He shifts a little and sucks your neck. You were shocked at his actions and tried to push him away. He released you and gave you a small smile. "Sorry, I was too immersed in my character as a vampire." He sees the red mark on your neck and presses a kiss onto it. "Sorry again." He apologizes. "I think we should exit." He laughs awkwardly. He starts walking ahead and you caught up with him and held onto his shirt. This made Eli smile before holding your hand in his again.

After you both were Lucky Guy and Aesop. They took the shortest amount of time as Lucky Guy found the exit in thirty seconds so they won the game. You and Eli came in last as you both took more than five minutes. "Hey (First Name), what happened to your neck?" Mike asks, peeking at your neck. He sees that you and Eli were holding hands and he gives you both a wide grin. "Oho, (First Name) and Eli did it in the haunted house!" He screams. "No! I-It wasn't like that!" You try to explain but Mike wasn't listening. "No wonder why you guys took seven minutes inside!"

 "No wonder why you guys took seven minutes inside!"

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