Victor Grantz

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When you transferred to Oletus University, everyone had gossiped about you

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When you transferred to Oletus University, everyone had gossiped about you. Girls were jealous and boys wanted to know your number. Every day, you would at least reject an average of five boys. Victor had a crush on you as well but he didn't dare to confess to you since he feared rejection so he wrote you a love letter and left it in your shoe locker.

When you and Melly arrived at school, you opened your shoe locker and noticed a pink letter. "Oh, a love letter," Melly says making you blush. "Isn't it old school though? Giving you a letter when you can send it through text?" You shook your head. "I find it cute." You open the letter and see the content inside.

"That's sweet!" You complimented but Melly pouted

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"That's sweet!" You complimented but Melly pouted. "Not as sweet as my honey!" She says. You laugh it off. "Alright. Your honey's the sweetest." The bell rang and you both went to the classroom.

For the past few months, you've been receiving letters every day and you've been dying to know who he is. He slowly fell in love with the person writing the letter. Even Melly is trying to find out who keeps writing it though she never found out who it is. "Do you think it's Aesop from the assist class?" Melly asks. "I don't think so. I heard he's going out with Vera from kiter class." You replied. "Oh, how about Eli?" You shook your head no. "He's dating Fiona." Melly thought harder. "How about Andrew from the rescue class?"

"Honestly, I don't know." You say and Melly slumped down on her seat. "Well, we better know who it is! I'm dying to know who's the one who got your heart!" You laugh at Melly. "Patience is a virtue." You tell Melly. "Yeah, well don't let me release my bees to find the guy!" Suddenly, Melly got an idea. "Hey, give me your letter." You were confused but you hand her one of the love letters. She started to sniff it and you look at her weirdly. "For your information, I have a good sense of smell," Melly says before sniffing it once more. "It smells like a dog," Melly says, returning the letter to you.

"Dog? Who owns a dog here?" You wonder. "Oh my gosh! I know who it is!" Melly exclaims loudly. "Who?" You ask. "Victor Grantz from the assist class!"

"But isn't called the postman? He helps people send these letters."

"Oh right." Melly slumps down on her seat. "I'm out of ideas." Melly sighs. A few seconds, Melly abruptly stands up. "I have an idea! If Victor helps them send letters, he should know who's been sending you these letters!" You quickly pull Melly into a hug. "You're a genius!" Melly proudly nods. "Let's go find him!" Melly pulls you and heads towards the assist class. She knocks on the door which Eli opened. "We're looking for Victor Grantz," Melly says as she peeks inside the room. "Victor! Someone's looking for you." Eli says. Victor assumed that it was just Andrew since they were both close. The moment he stepped out of the room, he didn't expect it to be you.

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