Luca Balsa

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[Modern Alternate Universe]

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[Modern Alternate Universe]

warning : kidnapping and violence

You were making your way back home. You always hated the way going back since there was an alleyway nearby. You were scared as the police has notified everyone that there was a prisoner on the loose. You quickly made your way back home yet you felt uneasy as you passed by the alleyway. You felt like there was someone watching you. As you reach the porch of your house, you felt someone knock you down.

When you woke up, you see that you were in a different place. It was dark and a little light was coming from the moon from the small window to your left. "What a pretty woman. Unfortunately, you're going to die today." He points a knife on your neck. He was about to insert the knife onto your neck until you hear the man grunting. "Gah! Who the hell are you?" You open your eyes to see a man with a striped shirt hit the man on his face. "Your boyfriend missy?" He glares at you. "Too bad he's going to have the same fate as you!"

The kidnapper punches the man on the face, which gave him a black eye. The man takes the taser, his own made invention and tases him. "Are you alright Miss?" He untangles the rope from your wrists which left a red mark. "Yes, thank you." As the man was about to leave, you stopped him. "I'm sorry for that." You brush your finger on his black eye. He hissed a bit before backing away. "It's alright miss."

"(First Name)... I'm (First Name)."

"Well (First Name), I have to go now."

"Wait!" You stopped him on his tracks. "At least let me treat your wound. I feel bad." The man hesitated before agreeing. You had brought him back home and placed a glass of water in front of him. As you were finding the medicinal kit from your cabinets, you asked him, "What's your name?" He hesitated once again before giving you his name. "Luca? That's a nice name." You open the medicinal kit and take a cream that could soothe the pain from the punch earlier.

"Ah!" Luca exclaims. You had accidentally pressed to hard on his eye. "I'm sorry." You had placed finishing touches before returning the kit to its place. "So Luca, what do you do?" He flinched at your question and shift his arms on the couch. He had accidentally pressed on the remote which opened the television.

"Beware of the prisoner. He had made his escape earlier. The police officials are still on the search for this man." Luca's photo has been shown on the screen. "You're him." You point out. "Yes. Aren't you scared of me now?"

"Why would I be scared of my savior?"

This made him silent. He had not expect anyone to be kind towards him. He had been getting rough treatment during his time in prison although he had never committed any crime. He had been framed by his best friend who had actually committed the crime of kidnapping an innocent woman and killing her. "I've been framed."

"I trust you."

"You... do?"

"I know you have a good heart."

"Thank you."

"I can keep you safe here... that is, if you're willing to stay with me?"

He thought about your request. He could have a three set meal everyday, a cosy bed, and a companion but he felt bad. It was as if he was taking a lot from you yet he had nothing to return, not even money. "Are you willing to have me?" He asks you seriously. "Yes. Why not?" Luca chuckles at your carefree demeanor. "I am truly indebted to you."

A few months have passed and you have gotten to know Luca very well. He was a genius when it comes to inventing devices. He has been spluttering scientific ideas although you have studied in school. You couldn't keep up with what he said but you still kept listening. You were slowly closing your eyes as you felt sleepy. You had leaned onto his shoulder and fell asleep. He took notice of this and stopped talking. He carefully lifted you and placed you onto the bed. He brushes away strands of hair from your face and fought the urge to kiss you on the forehead.

A year has passed and you were watching television with Luca. "The true culprit has been caught! (Luca's best friends's name) is now behind the bars! For compensation, if you know Luca Balsa, please approach the police station for compensation." The news felt like god had answered Luca's prayers. He felt so happy and lifted you on air. "Oops." He sets you down. "I was too happy."

"I guess you're free now." You smile bitterly. Luca could now go back to the life he had before although you didn't want him to leave as you had fallen in love with him. It was absurd at first, letting a prisoner stay in your house but it was worth it. "Thank you for trusting me. Thank you for staying by my side this whole time." Luca gives you a hug. You felt as if it was your last meeting. You didn't notice that you're tears have fallen onto his shirt. "Why are you crying?"

"Nothing. I'm so happy for you."

"Don't cry. I won't leave you okay?"

He presses his lips onto yours. You couldn't believe what was happening. Luca had actually reciprocated your feelings? "I love you." He says, staring in your eyes. "I will work had for the both of us." You slap his arm jokingly. "You make us sound like a couple when we're not." He sheepishly grins. "Right. Then will you be my girlfriend?"


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