Wu Chang (Part One)

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I hope I have captured the gist though I had made some alterations to the plot

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I hope I have captured the gist though I had made some alterations to the plot.

[Ancient China Alternate Universe]

"(First Name)! I'm home!" Your father calls from the front porch. "Dad!" You quickly open the door to see him with an umbrella and two guys behind him. "Who are they, Dad?" You question. "Who?" Your dad looks around but sees no one. "Two guys with white and black hair!" Your dad ruffles your hair. "You can't prank me, kiddo." Your dad sets the umbrella aside on the table. "Dad got this umbrella for a good deal! Fine silk for this ancient item!" Your dad was one of the prominent merchants who traded a lot on the silk road. "That's really good Dad!" You praise him before heading to the kitchen to make dinner.

You made dishes good for four people. "Why so many dishes?" Your dad asks. "We have guests." You point at them. "Darling (First Name), please don't scare dad like that. I am of old age." You shook your head. Though you wanted to say more, you didn't want your dad to worry or think you're crazy so you decided to keep quiet. "Just kidding dad. I just wanted to celebrate your success in trading!" You lied. Your dad's mood uplifted and started eating. While you were eating, you kept glancing at them. Even when they notice your glances, they weren't able to converse with you as they were ghosts.

The next day, your dad had requested you to buy some fresh eggs and fish. When you came back home, you noticed that your gates were wide open. "Dad?" You set your groceries aside to check up on your dad. You noticed that everything inside the house was destroyed. Pieces of paper and glass littered all over the floor. You notice a red liquid and followed it. Your heart was starting to pound louder until you notice a body lying still on the floor. "Dad?" You turn the body around and felt the shock. Your dad was lying cold on the floor with a wound on his abdomen.

"Dad!" You check his arm for a pulse. Sadly, there was none. You see a Chinese character written in blood beside him. "伞" which meant umbrella. With this, you understood that the umbrella has importance. You look for the umbrella but it was nowhere to be seen. The two men also weren't there. You decided to set off and look for the umbrella. "I'm so sorry Dad." You press a kiss onto his forehead before placing a cloth on top of him.

"Have you seen this umbrella?" You showed people a sketch of the umbrella though they have said no. You were so close to giving up but you heard a group of men talking about an umbrella. "Um, excuse me. Is this the umbrella you're talking about?" You show them the sketch. "Why yes. I heard that it's in Jose's ship."


"Jose Baden, dear. He's the first officer. They're heading to the Oletus Manor in a while."

"Okay, thank you!"

You quickly ran to the nearby port and ask for Jose. Jose was curious to see who was calling for him and sees you patiently waiting. "Are you looking for me?" You nod your head. "Come on aboard."

"We don't know if she's a spy, Captain Baden!" One of his men spoke. He scrutinizes you from head to toe. "She looks like a native here. I'd say there are no worries. We can just drop her to the sharks if she's a spy." You gulp at the thought of that. "Welcome to my ship. May I ask your name?" Jose takes your arm as you board the ship. "I'm (First Name)."

"Pleased to be your acquaintance. As you see, I have matters to attend to." He looks at his pocket watch and returns it back to his breast pocket. "You can tour around as you please." As you roamed around the ship, you noticed a brown box on the corner of the ship. You look around to see if anyone was guarding it. As the coast was clear, you rummage inside it. Alas, you found the umbrella. You clutch on it tightly and felt someone pull you from behind. "A spy is on the ship! I repeat! A spy is on the ship!" You were then tied onto the pole with the umbrella on the hands of the hunched man.

"I didn't expect Miss (First Name) was a spy." Jose shook his head in disappointment. "How far are we from the coast?" Jose asks one of his men who replied, "We're in deep waters now Captain." Jose looks at you and says, "Perfect. Shark feeding time." As one of the men was going to untie you and let you jump off the board, the ship suddenly was flooded with water from all directions. "Captain Baden! The ship is sinking!"

"Did we hit anything?"

"No Captain!"

"Is there a storm?"

"No Captain!"

As the ship submerged into the water, you couldn't breathe. As you were tied to the pole, it was impossible to swim up. When you open your eyes, you see the two men again. With this, you lost consciousness and passed away from the lack of air. Xie Bi'an and Fan Wujiu took pity on you as you were the only person who could see them and decided to take your soul with them. Soon, the umbrella has been retrieved by the owner of the Oletus Manor. He had given Xie Bi'an and Fan Wujiu a new life as Wu Chang, a man with three souls although only Xie Bi'an and Fan Wujiu could be seen in person. You were the hidden soul that resides inside the umbrella though you could still interact with the pair.

"Hello (First Name)." Xie Bi'an talks to the umbrella. "We'll be taking care of you from now on."

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