Joseph Desaulneirs

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It has been years since you have entered the Oletus Manor and there were still matches between the survivors and hunters

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It has been years since you have entered the Oletus Manor and there were still matches between the survivors and hunters. You have gotten along well with some of the survivors especially Emma and Emily but didn't get along well with some such as Freddy, Naib, and Kevin. Although you have talked to them, they were ill-mannered towards you since you once had a match with them and kited for ten seconds which made them lose their win streak. Since that day, they were mean towards you.

A match was going to be held today at the red church and unfortunately, you were together with Freddy, Naib, and Kevin. "Why are we playing with a ten-second kiter?" Freddy snickers. Naib shrugs his arms. "At least we have a sacrificial lamb." Kevin and Freddy laughed at Naib's statement. You ignored them and wonder who's going to be the hunter for today's match. You hoped the hunter will come to get them first. Soon, you were transported to the red church.

When you were spawned inside the church, Freddy had said, "Cipher machine primed!" Which was weird since there were still five ciphers left. You went ahead and decode the cipher. Suddenly, your vision blurred and a photo was taken. You didn't notice the camera near the entrance of the church. This could make the hunter easily knock you down as you were already decoding by the time the photo was taken. Little did you know, "cipher machine primed" meant that Joseph is the hunter. The trio didn't tell you this as they assumed that you couldn't kite for more than ten seconds.

The trio's strategy was smart as they assigned specific hunters on specific sentences. "Follow me" meant that the hunter was Bane. "Get away from me" meant that the hunter was Jack and so on. You just couldn't believe that they didn't inform you of this although you were part of the team. You enter the photo world instead just in case that Joseph would come to the church. You see that Naib's photographed self was knocked down and tied to a chair. As the time was up, he fell down and self-healed. You were the closest to him and yelled, "Don't move! I'm coming!"

As you nursed him back to full health, he didn't say a word of thanks but an insult instead. "Hopefully the hunter gets you next." With that, Naib runs away to a different cipher. You didn't want his insult to affect you but it did. This caused you to miss a calibration that notified the hunter. Your heart started to glow purple and you started to run away. You left a trail which the hunter followed and was steadily approaching you. "The hunter is near me!" You informed your teammates to which Kevin replied, "Don't move! I'm coming!"

As you were kiting Joseph for a few seconds now, you see Kevin on the right side of Joseph. Joseph decided to change his target to Kevin but Kevin used his lasso and carried you. He placed you down in front of the hunter and ran away. The nerve of that cowboy! How could he do that to you? You see that Joseph was confused but still landed a hit on you which dealt 0.25 percent damage. Tears clouded your vision as you couldn't believe that your team was willing to sacrifice you. You wiped them away and continued to kite the hunter.

There was only one cipher left and the hunter had taken a photo. He had knocked Kevin and Freddy down and tied them to a rocket chair. As soon as the photograph world ended, Freddy and Kevin were down but Naib had primed the last cipher. They had brought borrowed time. What made it worse was that the hunter was still behind you and now have detention. As you vaulted the window, you had accidentally tripped on your dress which made the hunter strike you down. You had been picked up and placed on the rocket chair. Nobody came to save you even if Naib brought tide turner. They all escaped and left you alone.

Your tears fall freely as you thought of how they treated you. This made Joseph feel sad but there was nothing he could do as you were already chaired. You wanted to surrender but surrendering meant that you will return the manor quicker and see their faces. "What's wrong?" Joseph questions, wiping your tears away with his thumb. "Am I really bad at kiting?" You ask him which made him surprised. "No survivor is bad at kiting, dear," Joseph replies, placing his handkerchief on your hand. "How long have they've been bullying you, dear?"

You didn't answer as you remembered the times they've treated you like that. Your tears started to flow again and you slowly wiped them away with Joseph's handkerchief. Joseph felt bad for you. This was his first time encountering such rude survivors. He had deduced that you have been experiencing it before. "Don't cry dear, I know something that'll cheer you up." He takes out a photograph from his pocket and hands it to you. It was a photo of him when he was still a baby.

You laughed as soon as you saw the photo. "You look like a girl here." He became flustered. It was his first time showing his baby picture to a survivor. "As long as it makes you laugh and happy, you can keep it, dear."


"Times up, my dear. We will meet again soon." The last few seconds of the rocket chair had blasted you off back to the manor. Good thing you made your persona have snooze so that your time on the rocket chair was slowed. You sneak one last glance at the photo and smiled. Joseph had made your day better.

The next day, a match was held again with Joseph as the hunter. Freddy, Naib, Kevin, and Servais were transported to the moonlit river park. Joseph had made sure the trio got what they deserved so they never got to escape and lost the match.

 Joseph had made sure the trio got what they deserved so they never got to escape and lost the match

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