Edgar Valden (Part Two)

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You bite your lip, contemplating whether you should tell him Norton's name or not

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You bite your lip, contemplating whether you should tell him Norton's name or not. You didn't say anything at all which made Edgar impatient. "What? Cat got your tongue?" You shook your head, thinking of a way to get out of this without having a fight happening. Should you ask him about the girl earlier?

"H-How about her?" You spoke softly.

"Hah? Speak louder." He says, taking a step forward to hear you better.

"How about the girl earlier?"

Edgar scoffs at your question. "That's none of your business." He says. You cross your arms and said, "How can you say that it's none of my business? We're married."

"As I've said before, we're only married by name."

"Don't you have feelings for me at all?"

"Do we have to talk about this?" He says, starting to get annoyed by your constant questioning. You could feel his stare burning holes at you and it was uncomfortable despite your liking towards him.

"Okay, I won't ask anymore." You say.

"That's great. Well, I'm heading out again to see a gallery. I'd like to have you come but you'd distract me in my work."

Edgar walks away, grabbing his coat from the clothing rack. "I'm off." He was about to exit the door but you called for him to wait. "What now?" He grunts, his eyebrows furrowing. "C-Can I come along? I-I promise I won't b-bother you..."

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