Chapter 10

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After I calmed down, I read over more of the letters that had been thrown onto the floor with almost everything else. This went deeper than I thought. I am meeting with Taylor and Welch at GEH in about an hour, this is going to end and it won’t be pretty.


My phone has blown up with calls from  an unknown caller. They have called several times but as a rule, I never answer unknown numbers. If it is important, they can leave a message but they never do.
I make myself a coffee and sit to rest while I read before I am due to head to work this evening. My phone blares beside me but it’s the same unknown number so I ignore it and return to my reading.
It stops for a moment and I sigh in relief but it is short lived as it starts again. I ignore it and turn the volume to silent. I watch it as it continues to flash in front of me and I decide it must be urgent so I cave and answer it.
“ H..Hello, Anastasia speaking” I answer nervously.
“ well about time you answered, whore.” I hear a catty snarl on the other end, I don’t recognise the voice though.
“ I’m sorry? I think you have the wrong number” I mumble out and ready to end the call when I hear the voice again.
“ Don’t you dare hang up on me girlie, play nice and your boyfriend will remain unharmed” the voice echoed.
“ w…what, what boyfriend? I think you have me mistaken for another person, have a good night” I quickly hang up and throw my phone on the couch beside me, face down and return to my reading.

A pounding knock echoes through the apartment, causing me to jump at the sudden noise.
I quickly jump up to answer it, forgetting to check the peephole first. A woman and a man stand at the door with smug looks on their faces before pushing me backwards into my apartment and following me in -locking the door behind them.
“So…..this is the mighty Anastasia Steel?! Aren’t you a sight for sore eyes little thing? You remind me of someone I used to know very well” the man sneered in my face, his breath hot and smelling I little like rotten cats, I held my breath as so not to barf. He ran his hand down my arm  and I jerked it back with force, letting him know that  his touch is very unwelcome. He just smirked and turned towards the women, whom up until now has been silent.
Her eyes caught mine before she spoke “ So Anna, can I call you Anna? Well it seems you have gotten yourself mixed up in a little bit of trouble unknowingly but it doesn’t change why we are here. You see ….Mrs Lincoln.” I cut her off “ Elena? What the hell has Elena got to do with anything?” I asked, my voice harsh and tensed.
She smiled at me amused, she was enjoying this “ Well Mrs Lincoln, she has an issue with your boyfriend and he is not playing the game anymore. She needs your help to get what she wants” she too smirked at the end of her speech.
I take a breath and think about my words carefully before I respond “ I don’t have a boyfriend at the moment so I am not sure whom you are referring to. There is only one person Elena and I have on common and that is ….Christian” my voice trailed off as I realised what was happening here.
I had no idea what to do, my mind was racing for a quick escape plan but in this tiny apartment, 4 floors up – there isn’t much I can do here.
“She finally gets it! Wow for a smart person, you aren’t very quick thinking are you?! Anyway, we have a message for you to pass on to Mr Grey -From Mrs Lincoln herself of course” she smiled.
The frump beside her lunges towards me quickly and I am not quick enough to move out of his way and he catches my arm and grips it tightly & pulls me towards him hard.
The woman stands in front of me and I see her pull out a syringe from her pocket and moves slowly towards me, I try to pull ad fight but it is no use. I feel a sting in my neck and then everything started to get blurry before blackness sets in.

I wake with a killer headache, my throat is dry  and my limbs feel like I have been beaten. I am sitting strapped to a chair in the middle of what I assume is a basement of sorts, I quickly check myself and see that there is no blood or obvious injury and sigh in relief. I feel the hairs on the back of my neck stand up in fear and I close my eyes, pretending I am still asleep. I hear the clatter if heels across the floor and a strong sickly smell of perfume follows it, I can barely breath it is so strong. Eck!
“ I know you are awake Anastasia” I recognise that voice immediately. The voice that broke me so many time before – Elena.
I hear her shift in front of me and I feel a slap across my face, leaving my cheek hot and stinging slightly.
I glance up at her with hooded eyes, I am not going to show her how scared I am right now, that’s what she wants. Her snarl greets me as she taps her foot on the floor.
“ Christian is not listening to me anymore and I need him to remember who he is dealing with- His Mistress! I am going to ruin him, and you my pretty thing……are going to help. In fact this will all be traced back to you. I have taken very extreme measures to ensure I am not connected to all of this. Being the “good friend” I am, I will convince him this was you and then I will have him right where I need him.  Christian thinks he can brush me off and threaten me and my business, he has got another thing coming. I made him who he is and the ungrateful shit turns on me for a piece of ratty tail. You got into his ear Anastasia and now he questions everything I am doing. I have a very profitable ploy that will leave Christian broke and in some serious legal trouble while I ….well I will be where I should be, in my own Ivory tower, stomping the little people under my perfectly manicured toes” she finished with an evil smirk.
I did not speak, I will now allow her to intimidate me again, she almost ruined my life before and I won’t let it happen again.
I will play her game but I won’t let her win, not this time.
Game on Elena!

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