Chapter 8

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It has been weeks since I spoke to Christian. I've avoided his calls, ignored his texts and refused delivery of the dozens of gifts he has sent. I'm hoping he got the message. I needed space to think this through.

Even after numerous internal battles with myself, I'm still not sure what I want.

I love him, there's no doubt, I never stopped loving him. But the truth of how it ended will always cut deep. I knew I wasn't good enough for him and in the end...he proved me right. I still don't know who it was that tipped me off about Leila but they saved me from years of heartache. Didn't they?

Argh! My head and my heart just can't agree.

I decide to go for a run to distract myself. The sun is shining brightly through the trees and I squint slightly as my eyes adjust before I start at a slow jog down the street.

I've run about 3 blocks before I notice a black SUV following me. I pick up my pace and so does the car. I panic and break out into a sprint and duck quickly into an alley way and hide behind an old dumpster. I close my eyes and try to catch my breath but suddenly aware of someone approaching me. I crouch down into a ball in hope that they will not notice me and pass. I listen as the footsteps stop and are replaced by heavy breathing followed by a sigh. I feel a hand on my shoulder, I instinctively belt it away and jump up to my feet, ready to face my assumed attacker head on. As I steel my eyes to the stranger in front of me, familiar brown eyes greet mine " Sawyer?" I gasp out. What is he doing here? His eyes soften as a small smile graces his lips and he steps back slightly to give me room " Miss Steele" he says hesitantly. I straighten myself out and control my breathing. Once I'm calm I ask " why were you following me? You scared to life out of me!", Sawyer shifts uncomfortably, rubbing the back of his neck before he looks up at me, weary before replying " Mr Grey wanted me to make sure you are ok. I'm on probation at the moment after the drama at SIP a few weeks ago, I don't want to lose my job" he says, his voice wavering slightly. I don't know how to respond. Sawyer was at SIP that day? Why? It wasn't his fault in any case. Damien is clearly not well. It could have been anyone, I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time I guess. Did Christian set this up so he could play hero? No, he's not that he? I shake my head to clear my head and focus back on the man in front of me "it wasn't your fault Sawyer. Why were you there though? I take it you weren't ' just passing by and saw a hostage situation ' ? He sent you that day didn't he? What's he playing at Sawyer?" I ask, not sure I really want the answer.

He clasps his hands in front, taking on his usual protectors stance as he speaks " I've been following you for a while, ever since Mr Grey spotted you at Pike's. He said he didn't want you knowing just yet so I had to keep a distance and go unnoticed, which is why I couldn't get there in time. I was across the road and by the time I figured it out and got inside, it was too late. Mr Grey was furious." He pauses momentarily before adding "he was more furious when you denied him in the hospital though, Taylor's ears are still ringing" he finishes with a chuckle before quickly composing himself.

Poor Taylor. I guess he is probably used to it but it can't be easy.

I start to relax and so does Sawyer. We talk some more before walking back out to the street. I continue my run before heading home, Sawyer trailing a bit closer behind.

I get home and collapse in the couch, closing my eyes for a moment but end up drifting off.

I'm woken by my phone blaring loudly beside me, I check the caller id, unknown number. Hmmmm, last time I had a call from an unknown number my world ended. I hover my finger over the answer button, hesitating. I must have taken to long as the ringing stops suddenly. I sigh and sit up, checking the time. It's getting dark, no wonder, it's late. I must've been exhausted. I decide to freshen up and head out. I need to get out of my own head for a while.


Silence! I almost forgot what it was like. I take a deep breath and slowly exhale, leaning back on the couch to relish it for a while.

The last few weeks have been hell, Mr. Grey has been on my arse every second of every day. On top of the whole Anna saga, we've been keeping close tabs on the she devil- Elena bloody Lincoln.

Seems her employees have very loose lips.

This side venture of hers is a ploy to destroy Mr. Grey, why? I'll tell you why.....Anna!

I feel myself starting to drift off when...." TAYLOR!" I hear bellowed through the great room. With a deep sigh I slowly rise to my feet and make my way towards the Boss's office, not bothering to knock before entering.

What I find is not what I expected!


I just finish changing the sheets on Mr Grey's bed and start heading back down the hall towards the kitchen when I hear Mr Grey on the phone " Welch, you need to shut this down NOW! I don't care, I will not allow this to go on any longer. She has had her fun, now it's time to end it. Close it down, liquidate it, clear out all accounts associated with it and have the funds transferred into GEH main account. I've already provided the staff with generous severance pay, the rest comes back to me. And get me the deeds to Linc's properties, I'm sure I can persuade him to sell with the right offer. Yes, good! I'm sending Taylor there now" he slams the phone down and growls loudly as he stands and starts to walk towards the door where I have been 'hiding', I quickly rush back towards his room and wait as I hear him yell out " TAYLOR!" .

I wander back down the hall to the kitchen to start dinner with a smile, finally the old hag is going to get what she deserves.


I can't fucking believe it, that woman has got nerve. Does she think I am an idiot? I read the statement again, making sure I haven't misunderstood. Gisele Harper, Sara Cross, Melody James, Leila Williams - all connected to this ploy of Elena's, all past subs. How did I not notice this in their background checks?

I search for all 4 files and research them more, I can't believe I would be so .......careless.

Searching through them, the only one legally connected to Hutton Settlement was Leila, I don't understand. Leila was my last sub before Anna came into my life, the other 3 were at least a couple of years ago. How long has this been going on. I search Esclava account statements against the records from Elena's office, maybe I have missed something. The more I read, the more I feel sick! That Bitch Troll has been ripping me off for years, it was small amounts at first but gradually became larger. If I wasn't a Billionaire, I would be dead broke right now.

I pace back and forth trying to gather my thoughts to decide what to do next, I was going to try and play this out but the longer it goes on, the more GEH could be affected. I'm brought back to reality when my phone blasts from my desk, 'WELCH' flashing on the screen, I quickly answer it.

He tells me he has found more information and has managed to get a hold of some incriminating documents that may shock me, after a brief run down I hang up and check my emails. I open the latest from Welch and start to read the first attachment but I only get halfway through it and in frustration - throw my laptop towards the wall. It hits the wall and crashes to the floor, smashing into pieces. No bothered by this I call Welch, this has to stop now before Elena succeeds.

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