Chapter 3

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I wake up warm. Too warm. I move to throw the covers off me but it’s being held down by something.
I open my eyes and look to my left and let out a loud gasp.
Christian is laying beside me, fully clothed, above the covers with his arm draped over me.
I look around the room, I’m in Christian’s apartment, in Christian’s room, in Christian’s bed WITH Christian!!
How the hell did I get here? What happened last night?.
My head throbs as I lay back and try to go back to sleep. Christian stirs & moves closer, snuggling into my side, his head on my shoulder. My body stiffens in panic as I feel the remnants of a really good dream poking me in my side.
I need to get out of here, this is wrong. I look over to Christian and I’m met with sleepy grey/blue eyes & Christian’s panty dropping smile.
“good morning Miss Steele” he drawls out sleepily as he untucked himself from around me and shifts back to look in my eyes.  “How did I get here Christian? Why am I here?  I ask. His smile fades and morphs into a scowl instead.
“ You asked for me to bring you here Anastasia.” He growls slightly, he cocks his head slightly and awaits any response from me.
“ I need to go, this is all wrong Christian. You cheated on me, you lied to me and you almost made me question my own sanity. I’ve just started to get my life back together again Christian and I told you yesterday, you need to prove yourself to me. I need to know that you won’t hurt me again, I” I’m cut off by Christian “ I won’t make that mistake again Ana, the last 6 months have been a living hell. You won’t answer my emails, texts or calls, you just shut me out of your life. I will do anything to get you back because this life without you is not a life worth living.” His eyes now starting to fill with tears, he sits up and turns away from me, setting his feet on the floor and his head in his hands.
I sit up and move over to hug him from behind, I rest my head on his shoulder “ I love you Christian, please never doubt that but I can’t just jump back into your bed after months of no contact. I cried myself to sleep for 3 months before I realised I had to just get over it and move on and so I did. Now you’re back in my life and after just one day you’ve managed to flip my life over again” I mutter into his shoulder.
“ I know” is all he says before he gets up and walk out if the room. I flop back on the bed with a sigh, why does everything have to be so complicated?!
A short while later, a soft knock startled me a little. Taylor’s head pops around the door “ Mr. Grey says you need a ride home Miss Steele, I’m ready when you are. I’ll wait in the foyer” he turns to walk out “ Taylor” I yell out  “ where is Mr. Grey? I would like to talk to him before we go” I ask, pulling the sheet up higher.
“ he’s gone out Miss Steele. Ah, permission to speak freely?” he asks, I nod.
“ whatever you said to him this morning has him rattled. He’s been hell on wheels after you left Ana. I’ve never seen him so vulnerable. He loves you more than you will ever know, just don’t give up yet please. He will break if you walk out of his life again, especially after your conversation last night. I didn’t mean to eavesdrop but what can I say, I’m a sucker for happy endings. “ he says with a shrug.
“ Thanks Taylor, can I ask you something?” I ask
“ you can ask me anything Ana”
“ Did you know about Leila?” I query hesitantly, knowing the answer but needing to ask anyway.
“ yes, yes I did and I tried to talk to him about it but he shut me down. I told him he had to tell you but he wasn’t at all pleased I was getting involved in his affairs. Excuse the pun” he chuckled a little.
“ thanks Taylor, I’ll be down in a few”
He takes his queue and leaves, I dress quickly and head to his study, I grab some paper and a pen to leave Christian a note. I set it on his laptop and run down to meet Taylor in the foyer and go home.


I need to get out of here. I don’t know what else to do, I just want her!
Walking through Westlake Park, I watch everyone pass by and wonder where they are heading to.
How many of them have found their soulmate, how many have then lost them with very little chance to get them back? Damn it!
Leila took advantage of my weakness, and I let her but I didn’t know Elena was behind it all. She tried to get hold of me after Ana left, said she had the perfect arrangement in mind for me, I blocked her calls.
I need to catch up with good old Mrs. Robinson. She WILL help me get Ana back, I’ll make sure of it.
I sit and just observe everyone around me. Eventually I decide I should go home, I have work to do before I set myself up to get Ana back in my life, for good.

“Welch,, I need the numbers for Esclava. Search all records, if anything looks suspicious, look into it. I want this done today” I demand in my CEO voice.
“ I’ll do my best Mr. Grey” without another word I end the call and throw my phone on the desk, I spot a note on my laptop.
Suspiciously I pick it up and unfold it.

If you love someone, set them free.
They’ll come back if it was meant to be.
Don’t give up.
Ana xo

Oh I’m not giving up sweet Ana, I haven’t even begun.

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