Chapter 12

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More time has passed, my throat hurts and my eyes sting from the never ending crying but I cannot seem to stop the tears. As much as I try to deny it, I still love him, I don’t think I will ever not love him.
I hear heavy footsteps pounding the corridor, reaching closer I realise they are or Xander’s familiar step nor is it Elena’s clacking. No this was a hurried step, heavy and quick as if someone was in a hurry.
A crash can he heard and then the door opened with a thud as it is slammed against the opposite wall.

 Taylor appears in the doorway, his gun held in front for protection, not knowing who may be in here other than myself. After taking a quick glance around to ensure we are alone, he hurries towards me and unties my hands “hurry Miss Steele, Mr. Grey has Elena busy, Sawyer is outside waiting to take you from here while I wait for Mr. Grey. Are you ok? “ has asks, checking me all over before holding my wrists, gently rubbing them to get the blood flow back before he gently pulls me up and guides me to the door.  It all happened so quickly, I barely remember how I got outside. Sure enough Sawyer was waiting by the SUV and ran to be to help me toward the car and lifted me in gently and buckled me up before jumping in the front and flooring it. I leant back into the seat and let myself relax for the first time in what I can only assume is days and close my eyes. I must have drifted off because the next thing I know is I am waking up as Sawyer carries me into Christian’s penthouse and places me cautiously on the couch, covering me with a blanket, he leaves without another word. Odd, but I am too exhausted to think too much about it and I feel my eyes growing heavy. I give in and let sleep take me.

I am woken by gentle strokes on my face, I open my eyes and my heart constricts at the sight before me.
Christian sits beside me, tears rolling down his cheeks. I left my hand to cradle his cheek and he leans into my touch “ I almost lost you again Ana. I can’t lose you again, please tell me you will stay” he says in a whisper so only I can hear him, I stroke his face as  I contemplate my answer. Has he proven his love for me?, has he shown me nothing but respect?, has he given me the space I needed? – yes on all accounts. Can I move forward and forget the past? I still cannot answer this question but I know in my heart of hearts, there is only one answer “ I’m not going anywhere Christian. I’m Yours”.
The shock and elation on his face was enough to make me smile and a blush crept across my cheeks, I lowered my head to hid my smile but long fingers lifted my chin back up and I was met with those Grey eyes that captured my soul and refuses to return it, Christian Grey had me from the start without a doubt and now he has worked hard to keep me  in his arms, who am I to turn him down. He captures my lips with his and pulls me into a slow but sensual kiss, one to reveal how deep our love lies and I have no doubt in my mind.
Christian is my forever, he deserves a second chance and I know, it will be the last.

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