Chapter 7

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"Christian, I'm not yours to lose"

I shouldn’t be eavesdropping but I’m curious if Anna will give the boss another chance. He probably doesn’t deserve it but I’d rather his possessive and controlling nature compared than the shit storm he has been since she left! I’m guessing she will make him work to get her back, the thought makes me smile. She’s certainly a breath of fresh air at Escala, even Gail enjoys her company. I just hope he doesn’t stuff it all up again.


Mr. Grey stalks passed me as he exits Anna...ahem, I mean Miss Steele's room, briefly throwing a sour glare my way but not stopping to make anything of it. He looks defeated, actually that is pretty much normal of late and I can only guess he was given marching orders from the lady herself. Good! She deserves better. Christian Grey is a spoilt rich kid who thinks money talks. What he wants, he gets and it’s refreshing to see him get knocked back for once.
Having said that, he is a good man and he bloody pays well.
I give Taylor a brief nod and he does the same in return before shadowing after the boss man. Taylor is in for a rough night.


That was a close call! It’s a good thing I have Christian wrapped around my finger and he has no reason to go digging around, I can’t let him find out about my little side project – that he is funding.
I need to make sure Brandi or Zhara  don’t open their mouths if Christian picks one of them or my plan will be redundant. There has to be no clues that I’m involved and all of them leading right to him.
I will ruin him.


Christian, I’m not yours to lose”. I can’t get those 5 words out of my head  ‘I’m not your to lose', they play over and over again. I take a long swig from my bottle and slam it back on my desk, wincing at the burn as the amber liquid glides down my throat, a warm tingling sensation then replaces it and I relax. If I was a good man, I would walk away and leave her alone but I’m not. I’m a selfish man. I know Anna still loves me and she is either trying to ignore it or trying to hide it. She should know, I know her body better than she does, especially when she is aroused. Two can play coy Miss Steele.
“ Taylor” I yell out, I know he is lurking close by. I probably could have whispered and he would have heard me. Sure enough, seconds later he appears in the doorway. He stands tall, his body rigid including his face “ Sir” he says curtly. Clearly I’ve pissed him off somehow but I could care less right now “ Taylor, I have an idea for the old playroom space but I’m not sure if it’s too much. I want to turn it into an office for Anna.” His jaw twitches as does his lip slightly as he tries hard to suppress either a grin or a bought of laughter at my expense. He nods his head “ anything in particular you would like in Miss Steele’s office Sir? Perhaps some artwork? Paintings, statues?” he asks enthusiastically, I can’t help but feel like he is somehow mocking me. Why would she need paintings or statues? The only thing hanging on her walls will be my face, to always remind her. Remind her that she is mine. She will always be mine.

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