Chapter 6

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I watch the entrance to SIP and keep an eye out, Mr. Grey assigned me back to Anna after he ran into her last week. If she knew I was here she should shoot me with my own gun, she never did like having me shadow her but I was following orders and would have had my ass handed to me if anything happened to her. The last 6 months have been uneventful to say the least, Mr. Grey has been a shit storm to deal with. I’ve almost told him to shove his job up his ass on several heated occasions, but he has been in a better mood these past weeks since Anna has been back on the scene. I don’t know what is going on between them but I can see Anna doesn’t seem her old self, something is off.
A tall weedy man walks up to the entrance and stops, looking around as if checking that it’s clear before hastily barging into the SIP building with purpose but I think nothing of it. The streets are bustling with people passing by going about their day until one woman stops at the door and her eyes widen in fear and she recoils her hand from the door and rushes away, looking behind her occasionally. Suspicious, I cross the road and creep towards the door and peer through.
I see the weedy guy waving a gun around as he tells towards the small crowd of staff that have gathered the lobby, I see Anna step forward, she is speaking but I can’t hear what she says. Suddenly the guy moves quickly and grabs Anna, using her as a shield but the gun aimed at he head as he directs his attention back to the small crowd, his back is to me so I take the opportunity to sneak in quietly, unnoticed and sneak behind the crowd. I take a quick glance at Anna, hoping she has seen me and sure enough her eyes find mine but just as they do I see her pale and her eyes roll back before she slumps, passed out in the man’s arms.  Shocked, he let’s her drop to the floor with a light thump and starts waving the gun around demanding for some Jack Hyde guy, I need to get to Anna.
Heavy footsteps sound behind me and I turn “ what’s going on, why isn’t anyone working around here” his voice booms as he hears the crowd. No one turns towards him and he strides closer, pushing people aside as he reaches the crowd but freezes as he sees what is in front of him. He stands paralyzed as the intruder see’s him and immediately lifts the gun towards him, shaking slightly with adrenaline and fury “ You owe me a life” he drawls out before he fires, the sound echoing loudly through the small foyer and down the halls. The shooter’s eyes widen, as if shocked he actually hit him, before he turns and rushes back through the door without another word. I rush to Anna and check her pulse, it’s shallow but it’s there. I let out the breathe I was unknowingly holding and turn towards the injured man some distance away, laying unmoving on the cold floor, blood seeping through his shirt slowly. I call for an ambulance and update Taylor.
Mr. Grey will have my head for this.         Shit!


I stand from my desk just as Taylor bursts through the door. His eyes show no emotion, giving me no hints to the current state of Anna. He ushers me out the door and we head to the garage to meet Sawyer at the hospital. I hope my Anna is ok, I can’t lose her. I just got her back.
I run my hands through my hair and pull it in anger and stress as I sit in the car on the way to the hospital, Taylor glancing every now again through the rear vision mirror. My leg shakes involuntarily as he weaves in and out of the afternoon traffic, trying to avoid the pending traffic jam threatening to pile up around us. By the time we stop out front of the hospital, I’m a nervous wreck and jump out before Taylor even unbuckled his seatbelt and I’m running into the ER.
Please let her be ok.
I see Sawyer pacing the lobby, I rush towards him “ where’s Anna? Is she ok? What happened? Where were you?” I fire at him without taking a breath, needing all the answers at once. He blinks hurriedly as he tries to figure out which of the many questions I fired at him first. He shifts from foot to foot as he responds “ I was at my post outside SIP,  nothing was out of the norm until this guy walked in. It was only because of a passer by that I noticed something was up. By the time I got in there, he had Anna in his grasp and she was about to pass out. I didn’t have time to do anything and I couldn’t take him down without putting the others at risk, including Anna. She passed out and she dropped to the floor, some guy came out barking and got himself shot. The shooter took off and I rushed to Anna and here we are. I am not family so they won’t tell me how she is” he says quietly. I glare at him but now is not the time to rip him a new one, I need to check on Anna. My Anna……I hope she is ok. I can’t lose her again.


Sawyer is gonna be in shit for this one. No one touches Anna. No one.


My eyes flutter open but close again quickly as the bright light shines above me. I open them again, this time prepared, blinking quickly to help them adjust. I glance around, I’m in hospital. How did I get here? What happened? Then it hits me……Damien! I quickly check myself for injury but find none but my head hurts when I move. I lay back and close my eyes, images of Damien, and the gun flash through my mind and I quickly open my eyes to rid them from my thoughts, my heart is beating a million miles a minute as I try to calm my breathing with deep breaths. The door bursts open and I jump in surprise. Christian stands in the doorway, his eyes roaming every inch of me as he walks slowly towards me, his face etched in worry and fear. He grabs my hand gently and kisses my knuckles before setting it back on the bed gently but not letting go “ Anna” he breaths out “ are you ok? Can I get you anything?” he blurts  hastily,  his panicked eyes never leaving mine. His stare fills me with warmth and I don’t hesitate to lean forward and brush my lips to his briefly “ I’m fine Christian” I say softly when I pull back and stroke his cheek with my hand. He closes his eyes and leans into my touch, an unfamiliar expression crossing his face momentarily before he opens his eyes and his expression back to steel “You scared me baby. I thought I’d lost you again” he whispers, his voice shaky with emotion. I pull my hand back and sit it in my lap, I bite my lip nervously before I say “ Christian, I’m not yours to lose”.
His eyes snap up to mine, anger evident. He stares at me for a second before he pulls away and steps back, reminding me of a small child who was just scolded for being naughty. He drops his eyes to the floor and swallows loudly, his Adams apple bouncing vigorously as he tries to keep his emotions in check, remembering where they are. I don’t know what else to say to him, I fidget with my hands nervously before I look back up at him, he slowly turns and as quickly as he came in, he was gone. I am left to the silence of the room - the only sound is my heart,  racing wildly.
It’s becoming harder to deny it.
I still love him.
I still need him.
I crave him.
But my heart is not ready to submit to my body and mind and as much as I’m hurting, I know he is the only one that will heal all my wounds but I can’t forget why we aren’t together now. Maybe in time but for now, I have to ignore that all too familiar ache to chase after him.
I wipe away the wet tears slowly running down my cheeks and curl up on my side, closing my eyes.
Christian’s sad eyes bounce in my mind and as much as I try, I can’t control the torrent of tears that now escape
I can't deny it, he is the only man I will ever love. It's time to move on from the past and look forward. Can I move past the hurt and give him another chance?

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