Chapter 19

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"You have to get out of bed."

She hadn't planned on going downstairs. Not until the hunger overruled the constant nausea that had encased her. She had barely eaten for well over two days, not able to keep even the smallest of crackers down. Which had left her feeling even sicker at first.

Ollie was her first concern, now four days past his due date. Not eating would affect him directly, especially now that he was so close to being born. Worrying made her feel even worse and no matter what she tried; the nausea remained. When she called Dr. Patel for answers to her questions, the woman had casually told her there was a stomach bug going around and that she had forgotten to mention it, to warn her beforehand. She said that as long as it passed within two to four days; it was supposedly harmless.

Luckily, the majority of the sickness seemed to have gone away. Her appetite had made its return and she felt as if she could eat an entire cow and still be hungry.

With the help of Harry, she was able to drag herself out of bed and pull on a bathrobe. He no longer batted an eye at seeing her in her pyjamas, which consisted of a tank-top and panties -just that. The first time he'd seen her in such little clothing was accidental and quite a wake-up call. He wasn't aware pregnant women could be so sexy, until then. From the moment he saw her, that faithful day in the local grocery store, he'd found her the epitome of beautiful, breathtaking even.

Long toned legs, a naturally tanned skin, full, medium sized breasts with perky nípples that poked into the fabric of her tank top and hair that flowed down her back, ending just above the firm ass that could make heads turn. He couldn't help but want to kiss every inch of exposed skin, to worship her body the way she deserved.

He had come to check on her after she'd failed to answer his phone calls, the day after they went to the doctor's office. Calling her name and entering her bedroom, they'd both frozen in place. Neither of them knowing what to do or say to make the situation less awkward. In the end, she had asked him to hand over her bathrobe in a very casual manner, as if him seeing her in such a vulnerable state didn't bother her. And since that morning, they'd fallen into a routine.

She felt too weak to stay out of bed. So Harry would wake her up, late morning/early afternoon and prepare her something to try to eat. The keyword being try. And him being the perfect gentleman he is, he'd hold her hair every time she was puking her guts out; to Moira's utter mortification.

Now downstairs for the first time in days, Moira felt a little less hopeless, being able to walk and all. The minute she entered the kitchen, she could smell the mouth-watering scent of bacon.

"I expect you to eat everything." He pointed at the steaming plate that was already waiting at the dinner table.

Moira pecked his cheek in thanks and sat down, eagerly taking in the sight of two egg-bacon sandwiches with a little mayonnaise on the side -her favorite. Without a care in the world she bit into it, amazed at how juicy the meat was in combination with the eggs. She was practically drooling as she bit into it again, consumed with the need to eat and eat and eat and her stomach was appreciative of it. The fact Harraël didn't stop staring at her was lost on Moira until she finished. Slowly, she began wiping her hands and corners of her mouth with a napkin, becoming anxious.

"Do you have to keep staring at me?"

"I'm not!" He answered, in a tone that she recognised as one she used to speak to her mom whenever she was being told she was doing something she couldn't be. "Can I ask you something?" He quickly changed the subject.

"Sure." Moira answered, taking a sip from the glass of fresh orange juice.

"What does Dr. Patel look like?"

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