Chapter 1 - New Teacher

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Welcome to Fairy Tail Magic Academy!

Natsu's POV

'Another boring Monday morning assembly' I thought as I walked through the hallways towards the assembly hall. "Good morning Mr Dragneel" two female students greeted me. "Good morning Naomi, Aya" I greeted back with a smile. Both girls smiled back before hurrying to the morning assembly.

There's been a rumour among the staff about a new teacher joining our school. I wonder who it could be? Hopefully, it's not someone like Ice Stripper or Metal Freak. I don't need another one of them hanging around the school. I'm also curious about what magic they process. Maybe I could fight them later to test my strength?

"Oi Flame Brain!" I heard Gray call out behind me. "What Ice Stripper?!" I shouted as I turned around to face him. He had ditched his shirt and it laid a few metres behind him. "Put a damn shirt on!" I added and he exclaimed as he noticed his bare chest. Not waiting for him, I continued walking to the assembly hall. A moment later Gray caught up to me and walked beside me.

"I overheard Mira telling the other girls that the new teacher is arriving today" he said. "Oh really? Did she mention whether we would be getting a male or female teacher?" I asked. "She didn't say but I guess we'll find out soon" he replied. "Hope so, my curiosity is killing me" I replied.

We soon arrived at the assembly hall and stood by the side wall, where the rest of the teachers were standing. All the students were lined up by class and in alphabetic order, ready for the assembly to start. Soon Gramps walked onto the stage and the chatter was silenced. "Good morning students" he greeted with a microphone. He then proceeded to read out the morning's announcements.

"Lastly, we have a new teacher joining us today" he said and then turned to look towards the side of the stage. "Please join me on stage" he said and a woman with long blonde hair, with some tied up on the side, and chocolate brown eyes walked onto the stage. She was wearing a short black pencil skirt with a tucked in white blouse and black high heels. A clear pink Fairy Tail insignia was stamped on the back of her right hand.

"The new teacher is hot" I heard a few of the male students muttering. I couldn't disagree with them. "I would like to introduce Miss Heartfilia. Would you like to say a few words?" he asked as he handed her the mic. "Hello everyone. As Principal Dreyar has said, my name is Miss Heartfilia. I will be joining the English department starting today. I look forward to teaching every single one of you" she spoke with a smile and then handed the mic back to Gramps. "That's all for this morning's assembly. Dismissed" he said and all the students started filing out of the hall to their next class.

Since I was the P.E. teacher, I didn't have to leave because my next class was in the hall. I decided to introduce myself to Miss Heartfilia as she descended the stage staircase. "Hi, I wanted to quickly introduce myself. I'm Natsu Dragneel, the PE teacher" I told her. She gave me a smile, "it's nice to meet you Mr Dragneel. My name is Lucy Heartfilia" she replied. "Please call me Natsu. There's no need to be formal. Plus, it makes me sound old" I joked. It's true, I'm only twenty-three years old. She giggled, "then you can call me Lucy" she replied.

"Hitting on the new teacher already Mr Dragneel?" one of my male students spoke jokingly, reminding me I had a class to teach. A blush immediately dusted my cheeks, 'did it look like I was flirting with her?' I wondered. "No, I wasn't Hiro. For that comment, I want everyone to run three laps around the hall" I said with a smirk and the whole class groaned but did as they were told.

"I better head to my classroom. See you later Natsu" Lucy said with a small wave before beginning to walk out of the hall. "Wait a minute Lucy. Which classroom will you be in?" I asked. I thought about introducing the other staff members to her at lunch. "I'll be in room 3-A" she replied. "Wait for me there when the lunch bell rings. I'll pick you up and introduce you to the rest of the staff" I said and she smiled. "That would be great. See you at lunch" she waved and then left the hall.

She seems really nice, I'm excited to get to know her. "Mr Dragneel and Miss Heartfilia sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G" Hiro sang as he ran his final lap. I swear that boy is a troublemaker. "Hiro, one more lap around the hall" I ordered. He groaned, "you're mean Mr Dragneel" he complained. 'Should've kept your mouth shut then' I thought with a chuckle and a smirk. 

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