Chapter nine

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I stood in a clear tube. I was wearing a winter jacket, although it was definitely not the highest quality, some kind of thick pants, and a scarf. The game makers decide what we wear when we enter the games, It was a rule added only a couple years ago.

The floor below my feet started to rise up, it was like a little disk. I felt a bit of sunlight on my face as I rose up above ground. As the disk reached the top, I could see the other tributes on their own disks. The disks where silver, slightly elevated above the rocky ground. Around us was a mountain range, although there was a patch of spruce forest further down the mountain from our current position.

In the middle of the circle of tributes, there was the cornucopia. The shiny silver structure was filled in the cave-like opening with supplies. I spotted some swords, bread, backpacks, sleeping bags, apples. All things that would be a life saver.

I looked around and spotted Lafayette. He was staring at me, and once he noticed he got my attention he made a signal to me. The signal meant to run away. I nodded at him. It meant we where to run away from the cornucopia, probably because the Schuyler sisters and the other team of Careers would be headed for the supplies.

That was called the bloodbath.

Lots of the tributes died in the initial bloodbath. All tributes who ran towards the supplies would always face fighting, and would probably die unless they where very skilled or had a huge team to back them up. It seemed like my team had planned on running up the mountain. I spotted a backpack just beside my disk. I would be able to grab it then run. 

The ominous countdown began. I looked around the circle of tributes. Most of them where in the position to run forward and snatch what they could. I took a deep breath as the countdown reached ten, then it continued counting down at a fast pace.

"Nine, eight, seven, six, five," The monotone voice said.

The tributes got ready to sprint as fast as they could for the weapons. I prepared to grab the backpack and run. My scarf and hair kept blowing in front of my face and I angrily pushed them away. I actually kind of wished for a hair tie, It was something I discovered when in the capitol. It would have made wonders back in twelve.

"Four, Three."

I saw Arnold, Julie, Mulligan and Shippen face the opposite way, ready to run up the mountain. What confused me was Lafayette, who looked like he was about to run at the cornucopia. I noticed Benedict Arnold see this to. He turned around and faced the cornucopia.

"Two, One."

The tributes ran as fast as they could in the direction they wanted to go. I quickly looked to see where Laurens was at, then grabbed the backpack and sprinted with him away up the mountain. I glanced over my shoulder.

There was already a dead body laying in a puddle of blood. I watched a strange brutally break someones neck in a quick motion. Arnold grabbed a couple things then ran as fast as a person with a wounded leg could. Lafayette ran straight for the swords. 

I heard screams as a couple tributes I had never met started a brutal fight. I spotted Lafayette walking slowly up at John Adams, a sword raised above his head. Adams was sitting in front of a huge backpack.

"Alexander!" Laurens shouted.

I looked over towards the shout and saw him standing on a rock. He was looking out at the tributes, probably trying to spot me. I didn't even know why he cared.

"Here!" I shouted.

He saw me and nodded. I sprinted up to him, and then we sprinted the rest of the way together. We reached a cave a little ways up the mountain. The rest of the tributes where either at the cornucopia, or had fled towards the spruce forest. 

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