Chapter 24: Caro of The North

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Ivar's blue and cold eyes reflected the flickering lights from the bonfire in the chieftain's hall. He had tried to the best of his abilities to stray from the inevitable war between the Sons of Sigurd and the Black Mane tribe. It was to no avail. Every attempt had resulted in further escalation.

"It's all your fault..." Ivar's resentful eyes were set upon Sven. "You deserve nothing less than getting your lungs torn out from your back. Yet, my promise to your father. What should be done with you?"

Caro shook by hearing Ivar's words to Sven. He seemed to be the only however, Sven didn't even flinch, and the rest of the elders paid no mind. They were used to such rhetoric from Ivar.

The situation in Skagerat was more than dire. The trial of honour, between Soeren and Targel the pale, had resulted in two of the greatest champions having perished. Sporadic fighting had taken place every day since. The worst happened during Soeren's funeral fire, where dozens of warriors from the Black Mane tribe had shown up to mock his family. Foolish as they were, they couldn't predict the response which resulted in all their deaths. Sven himself had silenced two of them. His hatred burned even more than ever. Chieftain Anvar had demanded all of those who took part in the killings would be held responsible, which were almost the entire Sons of Sigurd clan.

They had ignored his demands. In response to the lack of justice, the Black Mane tribe had raided farms, cattle herds and even a small village near Skagerat. They, in return, left no witnesses. The conflict was now beyond control; the villagers prepared for an all-out war between them two. The Black Mane tribe had now issued an ultimatum. Hand over the clan leader Joergen Stormcloud and Runar in addition with some dozens of other names for their execution. Or there would be war in the foreseeable future.

"It was inevitable!" Joergen protested. He pointed his long slim finger towards Ivar. "What did you think would happen? Inviting them to live with us in Skagerat, treat them as equals? Ha! How naïve you have become!"

"My fault!" Ivar raised his voice. "Your sons drew the first blood! Sven further provoked them by insulting them before the ting!"

Ivar turned towards Sven. "Refusing to give up your thrall? It's their right!" He turned away and violently stepped towards Joergen, his face burning red. "And Runar threw an axe in Targel's face. In front of everyone, what kind of madness was that!"

"I never intended to let anyone fight in my stead!" Sven jumped up on his feet. "You denied me my right to justice. And I have yet been given an explanation."

Ivar said nothing in response. He kept his back towards Sven.

Sven got agitated by his silence. "Why do you even care? I don't understand if I would have died instead of Soeren. You would just have one less problem!"

"Because you are my brother's son!" Ivar snapped at Sven. Slamming his empty horn of mead into the ground. Even men as big as Ivar could be heavily intoxicated by strong mead the Northmen drank. He was wobbling on his feet.

"Your brother you hate, so what?" Sven continued.

Surprise caught everyone by how quick Ivar's giant hands grabbed Sven's neck. "You stupid shit! I have told you..." He was spitting with anger.

Caro jumped up at his feet. Ivar will kill him, he can't control himself. He leapt out towards them, aiming for Sven's sword.

"Stay put thrall!" Someone behind him had pulled him down to the floor.

Ivar softened his grip on Sven's neck, looking down on Caro. "I gave him my word." He said, trying to calm himself down. "And also, King Harald. Do you think your father would keep his loyalty if you were no longer alive? The only living son?"

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