Chapter 40

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Alexandra couldn't believe her eyes. She already knew that Regulus was planning on becoming a Death Eater, but she never expected him to actually go through with it, let alone at such a young age.

What was more, was that Snape, Avery, and Mulciber had joined the Dark Lord as well, meaning that the next year at Hogwarts wasn't going to be a safe one with the presence of Death Eaters inside the walls.

     Alexandra didn't know what she was supposed to do and wether to let Dumbledore know about this or not. Although she was certain that nothing went unnoticed by the Headmaster.

Alexandra had already been positive that her grandfather was a Death Eater, although it was still a scary thought to know that he kept a list of all of Lord Voldemort's servants. But what was worse, was the fact that he had the name of their enemies whom they had to defeat, in red ink.

So with a little shudder, Alexandra rolled up the old piece of long parchment and placed it back in the desk's drawer. Although before she could close it fully, her eyes fell on a peculiar object that shone from the shadowy corner of the drawer.

With a curious frown on her forehead, Alexandra hesitantly opened the drawer fully again and put her hand inside, picking up the golden object, only to discover that it was an old-looking key.

The golden key looked oddly familiar to her as Alexandra held it in her hands, looking down at it carefully. But then it suddenly hit her.

This wasn't the first time she had tried to break into her grandfather's office.

Years ago, when Alexandra was only five years old, she had tried to look all over the house for her Christmas present. She didn't like surprises and secrets even at that young age and had a thirst for solving the mysteries.

Alexandra had searched all the house for the presents, but couldn't find them anywhere. The only place that was left to look was her grandfather's office. So she waited until her grandfather had left home and Edna had gone down to the village for shopping, before she made her move.

She had been very young back, but unlike other kids her age, Alexandra had her magic slightly under control, though her grandfather didn't know of this.

So with that, little Alexandra made her way toward the office and managed to magically open the locked door; its key was possessed only by her grandfather, and not even Edna. But she finally managed to magically open it.

     The presents must be hidden here somewhere, Alexandra thought to herself excitedly as she entered the office to look all around it, her adorable little smile spread across her face.

     She checked everywhere; from under the desk to the closets and even up the fireplace. But she left the desk drawer for last.

      The little girl went forward, thinking that she had finally found the presents; she thought that perhaps the drawer was under an Undetectable Extension Charm, which made it magically large enough to fit the gifts in. It was the perfect place to hide things.

     Although Alexandra was faced with a feeling of disappointment when she pulled open the desk drawer and her smile faded away when she realized that it was empty except for useless pieces of paper. But then her attention was caught by a golden key there, glimmering in the shadowy corner of the drawer.

     The familiar feeling of excitement filled her up again. The five-year-old girl assumed that this was probably the key to the secret door where her grandfather kept all the Christmas presents.

      So she took out the key, observing it amusingly in her little hands. But she jumped out of her skin and yelped when a sharp voice suddenly said before her,

      "What are you doing in here, Alexandra!?" Looking up, she saw her grandfather standing at the office's doorway, angrier than ever before.

     The little girl gulped, not being able to drop her eyes from his tall and firm feature which had a natural look of authority to it, always making him seem rather intimidating.

     "I-I was just — I was only looking for the Christmas presents," Alexander said in small voice, throwing her gaze down regretfully. She had never felt more embarrassed in her whole life.

     But then her grandfather's anger deepened when he saw the golden key in her hand and his eyes widened in fury. So he briskly walked forward, taking the key from her sharply.

      "You mustn't touch what isn't yours, Alexandra!" he retorted loudly. "Furthermore, you mustn't interfere someone's privacy."

      But despite the situation, Alexandra's curiosity still lingered in her mind. "What's that key for?"

      Her grandfather let out a short sigh, placing the key in his robe's pocket, lowering his voice into a more gentle one as he spoke, "For something important."

     "All keys are important for something," she answered smartly. Her remarks were always too witty for a five-year-old girl. "I was just wondering what it opened."

      Mr. Starling gave her a look and remained quiet for some while. Alexandra had been living with him for the past four years And in that time, he knew her well enough to realize that there was no way Alexandra would let go of a question until she got the answer.

      So with that, Mr. Starling let the edge of his lips twitch up into a rare smile before he got to his knees to level up with the little girl.

      "This key is the keeper of many secrets," he said, watching her face light up with excitement. "Secrets that one day I will tell you. One day, the key will be yours. But I really hope that day doesn't come too soon."

      And then, for the first time in her life, Alexandra saw a look of worry and sadness flash through his eyes. But then Mr. Starling shook his head and got back to his feet, his face becoming stern once more.

      "But until that day, you will not enter this office ever again. Do you understand me, Alexandra?" he said firmly, and she nodded. "It's not polite to just nod. You must answer with your words."

     "Yes, grandpa," she whispered and soon left the office, forgetting to this day what had happened all those years ago.

     But now, as Alexandra stood in the same office with the same mysterious golden key in her hands, she felt her heartbeat speed up. More than ten years had passed from that day, but she was no closer to the answers she sought.

     What secrets did the key keep? How long was she supposed to wait for her grandfather to give her the key? Why was he so worried because of it?

     But then Alexandra quickly put the key back in the drawer and immediately left the office as she returned back to her room, her mind racing.

     Alexandra had finally come up with a plan to be able to get the answers she wanted. And the way to reach her goal was through Regulus Black.

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