Chapter 22

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The following day brought loads of homework and studies upon the fifth year students and they had to work harder than ever now that their O.W.Ls were approaching.

Alexandra was falling behind on her essays as always, seeing as she spent half the days daydreaming or staring out of the library window.

      But what distracted her the most was her new copy of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. She would spend long minutes gazing excitedly down at Newt Scamander's autograph. And whenever Mike tried to reach out for it, she would refuse and joke and say she wouldn't allow him to touch even if his hands were soaked with holy water.

      That night was their first Astronomy lesson in the new term, so around midnight Alexandra went down to the Ravenclaw common room along with the other fifth years to meet up with Mike there.

      "Hey," Mike greeted her with a small nod, less enthusiastically than ever.

       For some reason neither of them had still recovered from the horrifying events of that night and they hadn't had the tendency to talk about it right until that moment.

      As they were making their way through the castle and toward the Astronomy Tower, Mike then suddenly yanked onto Alexandra's sleeve to drag her to the side of the corridor and away from the crowd.

      "Okay," he started in a whisper, looking around to make sure no one was eavesdropping. "I've been doing some thinking —"

       "And here we go..." Alexandra muttered jokingly, rolling her eyes.

      "Oi! What's that supposed to mean!?" Mike raised a brow at her.

      "I assume you've had your Ravenclaw tingle again?"

       "It's not Ravenclaw tingle! It's Ravenclaw senses!" Mike retorted and Alexandra tried her hardest to hold back a giggle.

      "So what were you thinking, anyway?" she asked.

      "Right." Mike shook his head, remembering. "I've been thinking and had a few questions; A, how on earth did your grandfather know where we were? B, how did he know we were in danger? C, why would he save me if he hates all Muggleborns? And D, why didn't he force you to go back home with him? But the most important one: why did those two Death Eaters fear him and listen to him?"

      "Actually I've had the same questions —"

      "—And I've come up with some answers," Mike said importantly, puffing out his chest proudly. "We gave it a big chance that he was a Death Eater. This just proves it even further. If he were a Death Eater, it would be easy for him to hear what other fellow Death Eaters were up to, if he's an important one. Which is also why the Death Eaters listened to him, because maybe he's like... a chief Death Eater or something."

      "Chief Death Eater?" Alexandra gave him a look, chuckling.

      "You can call it whatever you want, but my senses tell me that he's in You-Know-Who's inner circle. It would explain a lot."

      Alexandra looked away at that, her stomach lurching and her mind racing. Were her parents like him? Were they Death Eaters, murdered because they crossed the Dark Lord?

       Alexandra's head was bursting with questions, but she didn't mention any of this to Mike. She was glad that their conversation soon came to an end once they reached the top of the Astronomy Tower and caught up with the rest of the class.

      The moment they stepped up, Alexandra caught sight of Regulus, standing there alone and at the edge, staring up at the sky with his grey eyes.

      But as if sensing Alexandra's eyes on him, he turned around to glance over his shoulder at her. But the moment their eyes connected, Alexandra abruptly looked away, blushing.

      But then she caught Mike giving her a stern look. "My Ravenclaw tingles are going wild," he mumbled angrily.

       "Oh, shut up," said Alexandra with a little eye roll, chuckling.

       "I don't trust the guy!" Mike whispered urgently so only she could hear.

       "Then trust me." Alexandra shrugged, looking up at him with her deep kind eyes. "I'll be fine."

      Mike sighed. He could never say no to her when she gave him that look. So he just let the matter go as the Professor started the class.

       During Astronomy classes, Alexandra always found her gaze wandering away and toward the sky, forgetting to listen to class as she dreamily watched the stars. But this time she found herself distracted by something else.

      A black haired Slytherin boy with grey eyes.

      Every once in a while, her eyes would wander toward Regulus, but she would briskly look away before he could realize, her heart beating louder and louder with each time she did so.

       But soon the class came to an end once the Professor dismissed them after what felt like ages. Alexandra thought that this would be the end of a tiresome day. But little did she know that the night was far from over.

       Mike and Alexandra were just about to leave the Astronomy Tower along with the other students that they came to a halt when someone called after her. Turning around, they saw Regulus standing behind them.

       "Can I talk to you for a second?" said Regulus, his eyes locked upon Alexandra. "Alone?"

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