Chapter 87

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To finish his first year at school was a relief, because Regulus wasn't sure if he had truly enjoyed being at Hogwarts as much as his older brother, Sirius, had promised he would.

For one, Regulus had secretly hoped that he would end up in the same House as his brother so they could be together, though he didn't. And more of that, he certainly hadn't enjoyed his time with other Slytherins around his age, or anyone else at all, for that matter.

So returning home was certainly a big relief for him, seeing as he had something else to look forward to back at Grimmauld Place.

     He could finally see his only friend again.

Their way back home from King's Cross Station was a disaster, because from the moment their mother had come there to pick them up, she started scolding Sirius, until the second they arrived at Grimmauld Place.

"Absolutely disrespectful!" Walburga kept yelling as they walked into their house and shut the door close behind them. "I don't know what you were thinking, running off to the Potters' house at Christmas!"

Sirius left his trunk down with a frown on his face and ran upstairs, shutting his room's door behind him as Walburga's shouts followed after him.

"You ungrateful child!" Walburga yelled after him from the bottom of the staircase. "Is this how you repay us for raising you!? IT'S A DISGRACE TO THE NAME OF BLACK!"

"What was that, mother?" Sirius called calmly from his room. "I don't think I quite heard you. Do you mind repeating yourself a bit louder?"


"Come again?" Sirius's voice came again from his room, angering their mother even further.

Walburga tried yelling after him again, though her voice was muffled out by the loud sound of Muggle songs coming from Sirius's room, filling the whole house.

Regulus sighed to himself, quietly walking upstairs to put his trunk in his room and slowly closed his bedroom door after greeting Kreacher warmly, hoping that at least this could lower the voices outside, though it was no help. This was always how it was at their home.

Regulus walked toward his desk beside the window and sat behind it, placing his head down on the desk in exhaustion as he stared out of his window. It was already dark outside, but suddenly something caught his attention out of the window.

With a light frown on his forehead, he got up and walked closer toward the glass, looking outside with narrowed eyes.

On the window in front of his, belonging to the house next to theirs, a note was stuck. He focused hard on it, until he finally made out what the hand-written note said,

Meet me across the street after your parents go to sleep. Don't forget to give me the usual signal! I'll be awake.

Unknowingly, a smile crept through Regulus's face as he read the note. It was even hard for him to hide his smile over dinner. He was glad that Sirius had decided to skip the meal, because he would've definitely teased Regulus about it like he always did.

Regulus waited impatiently until his parents had gone back to their bedroom for the night before walking toward his window and opening it. He then took a little stone from inside his desk drawer; he had collected these stones before, for occasions such as this. And so with that, he aimed and threw the stone at the window in front his on the next house.

Raven | 𝘙𝘦𝘨𝘶𝘭𝘶𝘴 𝘉𝘭𝘢𝘤𝘬Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt