Chapter 70

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After bidding Regulus goodbye, Alexandra stood there on her spot, feeling dazed as she watched him leave the corridor. Her heartbeat hadn't yet slowed down and she knew that her cheeks were still flushed.

But she jumped out of her skin and yelped from shock when the eagle knocker said behind her, "What gets wetter and wetter the more it dries?"

"Er... I don't know... a towel?" Alexandra tried one last time, knowing that if she got it wrong, she had to spend the night in the corridor, with the possibility of Filch finding her and giving her detention.

But to her relief, the eagle said that she was correct and so swung the door open for her. With her smile still dangling upon her lips, Alexandra entered the Ravenclaw common room, walking up toward the girls' dormitory.

As she was getting ready for bed, Alexandra genuinely wished that Mike were there so she could talk to him about the events that had taken place that night, even though she knew he would make fun of it if he were here, and probably tease her for the eternity.

She even thought about writing to him just to make sure he was doing all right, because she missed him immeasurably. But Alexandra held herself back, knowing that it was for his own good. She wanted him to remain safe, even if it meant that she couldn't talk to him for a whole year or two, or possibly more.

But that evening while Alexandra went to bed and drew the covers on herself, all she could think about was Regulus, and the feeling she had gotten when his lips were on hers, moving in sync.

Each time she thought of their first date together on the upcoming Hogsmeade trip, she felt a spark of excitement rush down her spine.

And so, as Alexandra closed her eyes peacefully that night, she fell asleep with a smile on her lips.


Alexandra was in some sort of a haze the following morning when she woke up. She tried to recall all that happened yesterday with every single detail as she was getting ready, so she could prove to herself that it wasn't just a dream.

She had lost so much of her focus that she didn't even realize that she had worn her cloak inside-out. Feeling disconnected from the reality world that was going on around her, Alexandra made her way down to the Great Hall for breakfast, humming a song under her breath quietly as she strolled the corridors.

      The moment Alexandra walked down the marble staircase, she spotted Regulus in the entrance hall, making his way toward the large doors of the Great Hall with his bag hanging loosely over his shoulder.

      Sensing her smile spread across her face once more, Alexandra suddenly called out, "Reggie!"

     Upon hearing his name in that familiar voice, Regulus stopped walking and turned to face her, causing her stomach to lurch excitedly at his sight. His black hair was messy and his smile sheepishly as he waited for her to catch up with him.

     "Hi," he whispered, unable to take his eyes off her.

     "Hey." She smiled, not knowing what else she was supposed to say.

     But he then grinned, saying, "You do realize that you're wearing your robe inside-out, right?"

     "Oh!" Alexandra gasped, looking down at herself with wide eyes.

     But Regulus only smiled to himself, remembering their first Potions class together in their fifth year, when they had met for the first time. That day, she had worn her cloak inside-out too.

     "So... what classes do you have today?" Regulus asked, trying to make conversation.

      "Er... well, first I have Charms, then Care of Magical Creatures, and then there's a free period that I have to do my Herbology assignment in, and at last I've got Transfigurations, I think."

      "Well, we've got Charms and Transfigurations together, but I dropped Care of Magical Creatures after O.W.Ls. Instead I have advanced Potions in second period."

      "Advanced Potions?" Alexandra repeated with astonishment, her eyes widening. "I couldn't even pass my O.W.Ls, and you're taking advanced classes! That's brilliant!"

     "Yeah, well, I guess Potions is my best pursuit." Regulus grinned smugly. "So... um... how about we meet up after breakfast and go down to Charms' class together?"

      "I would love that." Alexandra nodded delightfully, hoping desperately that she wasn't blushing.

     And then, before she could stop herself, she leaned in and quickly pecked Regulus on the lips before running through the Great Hall, leaving him dazed as she giggled to herself.


As promised, after breakfast, Regulus and Alexandra met up in the entrance hall, so they could make their way up to the Charms classroom, though their journey was mostly spent in silence. As it seemed, they both were awkward when it came to dating, being their first experience.

      "Take your seats, please," Professor Flitwick called out as he struggled to climb up through the piles of book behind his desk, in order to make himself taller.

     Alexandra and Regulus took their usual seats beside each other, taking their books and quills out of their bags and setting them on their desk before them.

     "Today we will be learning about Protean Charm," said Professor Flitwick as the class went silent. "Who can tell me what this charm does?"

     A blonde girl in the front row raised her hand and when Professor Flitwick gestured at her, she said, "I think it's a charm that allows several objects to change simultaneously through a common purpose."

     "Precisely! Thank you. Five points to Hufflepuff." Professor Flitwick said in a squeak, and the girl beamed. "We will be practicing this spell for a few sessions, and when you all have mastered it, we will proceed to do it nonverbally. Now, if you could all open your books to page fifteen, we will carry on."

     Professor Flitwick then started on with the class as he taught the theoretical parts of the Protean Charm and they all listened carefully and took notes, knowing that it was going to be important for their upcoming N.E.W.Ts at the end of the year.

      Just then, Alexandra nearly let out a gasp when from under the table she felt Regulus grab onto her hand softly, holding it.

      But when she looked sideways at him, she saw that Regulus's expression was fixed and his face was forward, as if paying careful attention to the professor.

     So Alexandra just smiled to herself at his touch, feeling more in love than she had ever felt before.

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