Chapter 02

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Alexandra was first to change out of her clothes and into her Hogwarts robes, happy to get rid of all the fancy dresses her grandfather made her wear all the time for good manners, which caused all Muggles to turn on her whenever she passed the station.

So now that she was away from all that, she sighed to herself in relief and was ready to start another peaceful year at school.

So after the train finally came into a stop, she followed Mike toward the horseless carriages, her long raven black hair swinging behind her gracefully.

As they reached the Great Hall, the two of them joined the rest of the Ravenclaws at their table, waiting for the first years to arrive for the sorting ceremony.

"Oh, for God's sake," Mike said under his breath with a huff, and then in a quick motion, he snatched Alexandra's book out of her hands.

"Hey!" she exclaimed, trying to reach out for her book again, but he only raised his hand higher. "Give it back, Mike!"

"No," he said bluntly and then grinned arrogantly. "You've been reading all the way here! I'm bored! Besides, you should enjoy my company more."

"Mike —"

"I said enjoy my company," he said in a dramatically dark voice, narrowing his eyes jokingly at Alexandra, making her laugh.

"Fine, be a git."

"You know, after all this time you spend reading, I'm surprised your grades haven't picked up yet. You still suck."

"That's because I don't read books relating to our lessons," Alexandra reasoned.

Mike opened his mouth to reply, but he was cut short when the doors to the Great Hall opened and a group of anxious looking first years came in, led by Professor McGonagall.

After enjoying the delicious feast, Mike and Alexandra walked toward the Ravenclaw tower and stopped by its door, which had no doorknob, but an eagle knocker.

At their sight, the eagle came to life and asked, "What is always in front of you but can't be seen?"

The two Ravenclaws glanced sideways at each other, thinking, until Mike finally said, "Er... the future?"

With that, the door sprung open, leading them to the airy and beautiful blue common room.

"I hate those riddles! I usually won't get the right answer unless you're with me," said Alexandra, shaking her head before coming upon the Grey Lady, Ravenclaw's ghost. "Oh hello, Helena," she said kindly.

The Grey Lady's eyes lingered on her for a second longer, until she finally nodded politely and floated away.

"Yup," Mike sighed regretfully, "she's still weird."

"That's not a nice thing to say," Alexandra said softly, though she slightly agreed with her friend.

"Anyway, I better go to sleep now," said Mike. "I'll have to wake up early tomorrow and book the Quidditch Pitch from Flitwick for the tryouts. See you."

"Bye." Alexandra waved at him, watching him go to the boy's dormitory.

       With that, Alexandra walked over the small library which was inside the common room and chose a book, carrying it toward one of the blue chairs by the magnificent windows, with the view of the mountains.

       She then opened the book and leaned back on the chair, reading through the quiet of the night.


The next morning, Alexandra woke up in her bed to the rays of sun light breaking into the room. She yawned and stretched, slowly opening her eyelids. But her eyes widened when she found their dormitory completely empty.

       She immediately looked at the clock on her nightstand, seeing that it was ten minutes past eight, which meant that she was late for her first class.

       Abruptly jumping to her feet, Alexandra hurriedly started getting ready, so quickly that she didn't even realize she had worn her robe inside-out.

       She had to briskly get herself to Professor Flitwick, the head of Ravenclaw House, and take her classes' timetable from him seeing as she had no idea what her first class was.

      But as she got into the common room, she saw Mike sitting in a corner, flipping through his copy of Quidditch Through Ages.

      "What are you still doing here, Alex?" he investigated, frowning lightly.

      "Slept in," she said urgently, slightly panting. "Why are you here?"

      "I asked Slughorn permission to skip his class today." He shrugged casually. "I have to arrange everything for the Quidditch tryouts."

      "Shoot, we have Potions now?" She groaned miserably. "But the dungeons are at the other side of the castle!"

      "Then you better hurry then!" He grinned. "Go on. Chop chop!"

       Alexandra shook her head at him and then with her backpack hung loosely over her shoulder, she ran out of the common room.

      It took her long minutes to get to the dungeons, but at last she got herself to the Potions' classroom.

      Knocking hurriedly, she opened the door without even waiting for a reply and sprung inside the room, breathing heavily.

      "Sorry — I'm — late — Professor," she said between her pantings.

       "Not to worry, not to worry," Professor Slughorn shook his hand at her reassuringly. "Take a seat, Miss Stewart."

      "Starling, actually," Alexandra muttered, sitting at the only empty chair left at the front table.

      But Slughorn didn't pay her the slightest attention as he carried on with his lesson, causing the boy beside Alexandra to snigger.

      She turned her face on him sharply, but the boy kept on smirking. He had silky black hair and cold grey eyes. Only then did Alexandra realize that he was a Slytherin.

      But he wasn't alone.

      Looking around, she found herself surrounded by four other Slytherins, all grinning mockingly at her direction.

       Merlin's beard... she thought to herself grimly. What did I get myself into?

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