Chapter 72

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After the Butterbeer had warmed them up, Alexandra and Regulus went through the Hogsmeade village with their hands intertwined together. She could barely feel the cold anymore.

They visited Zonko's Joke Shop and spent most of their time in Honeydukes, buying as many sweets as they could carry, so the sweets could keep them occupied each time they wanted to go up to the Room of Requirements for reading.

     "Ooh, how about these?" Alexandra said excitedly, pointing at a weird-looking product on the shelf.

They were trying to see which one of them could find the most disgusting or weirdest product in the whole shop.

Regulus walked forward, trying to read the label beneath what Alexandra had pointed at, a look of disgust washing over his expression.

"Ugh... blood-flavored lollipops?" he read out loud, grimacing. "Who would even buy this!?"

"Dunno... maybe vampires?" Alexandra shrugged, smiling with amusement.

"Well, I still say Jelly Slugs were the worst." Regulus shuddered at the thought, making her chuckle.

"Do you think they are real slugs or just charmed ones, like Chocolate Frogs?" Alexandra mused.

"I don't know. And to be honest, I would rather never find out," said Regulus and they both laughed, going toward the counter to pay for their sweets before leaving the shop again.

"Where should we go next?" Regulus asked as they walked down the village, carrying their shopping bags.

"Hmm... how about the Shrieking Shack?" she suggested.

"What!?" Regulus exclaimed, giving her a look as if she had gone mad. "Are you out of your mind!? That place is haunted!"

"Well, we're not gonna go inside it, or anything!" Alexandra reasoned, holding back a little grin. "I just thought we could watch it from afar."

"No, thanks. I'd rather eat the Jelly Slugs." Regulus scoffed, shaking his head as she giggled.

But just then, their attention was caught when from afar they suddenly saw an eagle owl flying toward them, carrying a letter. Alexandra knew that bird very well, which made her heart sink in her chest anxiously.

"Edna..." she whispered in a hollow voice, watching the bird grow nearer to them. "That owl belonged to my grandfather."

Alexandra couldn't hide the worry across her face, and Regulus had already noticed it. They both stood fixed on the spot, until the owl finally dropped the letter down and Regulus briskly caught it in midair, handing it her.

"Thanks," Alexandra mumbled, quickly opening up the envelope to read what was inside it.

Dear Miss Starling,

I hope you're doing well and that you're enjoying your lessons. There's not much going on here at the moment back at home, but I wanted to write and inform you that I think it's for the best if you spent Christmas this year at Hogwarts.

Know that I will miss you dearly, and that I wait impatiently to see you soon. But perhaps it is for your own good, because Hogwarts is at the moment the safest place for you.


Alexandra read the short letter one more time before looking away, her heart throbbing as she pondered the matter. Edna was right. It wasn't safe for her to get far away from Hogwarts for too long at the moment.

It seemed as if Alexandra's mind had been too occupied in the last few weeks that she had completely forgotten the fate that awaited her. She had forgotten that the Dark Lord still hadn't gotten the answer he wanted from her, and when it came to him, it was either joining him, or dying.

"What did Edna mean, by saying you're not safe?" Regulus suddenly asked, snapping her out of her thoughts.

"I — nothing." Alexandra shook her head, abruptly pocketing the letter in her cloak.

"Does it — does it have anything to do with... Alex... I didn't know the Death Eaters were still trying to get you to join them," Regulus said quietly, watching her face with concern. "But why is it so important to him to have you on his side?"

Alexandra knew that by 'him', Regulus meant the Dark Lord, and she realized that she still hadn't told him about what she had seen in her grandfather's memories last summer. But she had decided not to talk to him about this matter, knowing that the less he knew, the safer he was.

She hadn't even told Regulus that Marcellus Starling wasn't her real grandfather, and that his name wasn't even 'Starling' to begin with. He was Marcellus Blackwood, shockingly friends with Tom Riddle himself, when they were back at Hogwarts.

Although Alexandra doubted that Tom Riddle had ever seen him as a real friend. But he must've trusted Marcellus more than his other followers. Because if she recalled correctly, Tom Riddle had shared a secret with him. A secret which not even Alexandra knew what it was, and yet she could clearly remember the name.

A Horcrux...

Alexandra often wondered what it was and knew that it had to be important, seeing as her grandfather wanted her to see that peculiar memory in his Pensieve. But she couldn't understand why.

A part of her was curious, wanting to find out what a Horcrux was. But before then, there had been more important matters in her mind that she needed to sort out and look for their answers. Such as the fact that she was the last descendant and heir of Rowena Ravenclaw. But she hadn't even told Regulus about this matter either.

Seeing the worry glimmering in her eyes as Alexandra had looked away sorrowfully, Regulus finally sighed and walked in front of her, now facing her.

"Listen, Alex," Regulus started, "you're going to be all right."

But when she didn't reply and nor did she look back at him at those words, Regulus then suddenly cupped her face in his hands gently, causing their eyes to finally connect.

"It will be all right," he whispered softly again, more reassuringly.

"How can you guarantee that?" she asked quietly, her eyes piercing through his grey ones.

"Because I won't let anything happen to you," he said after a short pause.

And then, before Alexandra could respond, Regulus suddenly leaned in and connected their lips, bringing her into a passionate kiss.

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