Chapter 53

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When they turned around, they saw Regulus Black walking toward them, his face more fierce that Alexandra had ever seen in her life.

"Ah... Mr. Black to the rescue. Why am I not surprised?" Avery sniggered, his grip still on Alexandra's arm.

"Let her go, Avery," Regulus snarled dangerously.

"Last time I checked, I didn't take orders from you, Black," Avery said darkly. "So how about you run along and mind your own business? Little Miss Starling and I have a lot to discuss."

But the next moment, taking advantage of his distraction, Alexandra suddenly raised her leg and roughly stomped it on Avery's foot.

"URGH!" Avery howled in pain, letting go of her arm in shock.

So with that, Alexandra escaped his grip, and then in a quick motion she grabbed onto Regulus's hand, dragging him away in a run.

"Oh, how the tables have turned," Regulus said jokingly and laughed as Alexandra kept dragging him away and walked through the crowd, making her way out of the ballroom.

"Oh, hush." She laughed, walking out of the hall with their hands still collided.

Regulus chuckled and Alexandra finally let go of his hand as they made their way out of the manor and into the cold night outside. The sound of music could still be heard from inside.

"Ah, fresh air." Alexandra breathed out, watching the mist before her.

"It's freezing out here!" Regulus protested, even though he was grinning.

"Better than inside." She shrugged. "I just wanted to get away from the party. It's always been dull. But with Avery there... it was like a death-day party."

"Never been to one, but I'm sure that's a true statement," he said with a grin.

Alexandra smiled as she stood there before him, rubbing her arms with her palms as a way of keeping herself warmer against the bitter winter cold.

"Look... I'm sorry about Avery back there." Regulus let out a guilty sigh. "He's not really a cheerful bloke."

"No, really?" Alexandra said mockingly.

Regulus raised an amused brow at her in surprise. "Excuse me... was that sarcasm I heard? Well, that's certainly a first time," he joked, making her laugh.

"So what took you so long to arrive at the party?" Alexandra questioned.

But at those words, Regulus's face fell and his expression darkened. "I was — held up somewhere."

Alexandra suddenly had the feeling that it had something to do with the Dark Lord, but she kept it to herself, deciding to never bring that subject up.

"You know, I was starting to worry that you weren't going to show up when I couldn't find you in the crowd," she said softly, gazing back up into his grey eyes.

"Hold on, hold on," Regulus started, his grin returning back to his face, "does that mean you were looking for me in the crowd? Wow... I feel flattered."

Alexandra gave him a look, but giggled all the same. Although then their attention was caught when they heard a stutter and turned around, only to see the pure-white peacock, standing proud on the high hedge nearby.

"Oh, I love peacocks." Alexandra sighed dreamily, watching the magnificent bird from bellow.

"Is there any animal or creature you don't like?" Regulus asked playfully.

"None that I have come across," Alexandra said earnestly, but then she suddenly shivered as the cold wind hit her and covered her like an icy blanket.

"You're freezing." Regulus acknowledged with a worried frown. "Do you want to go back inside?"

"No, it's fine. You go if you're cold," she said, though wishing that he wouldn't leave her side.

"Nah, I'm fine." Regulus gave her a smug look. "But I know a way that can get your mind off the cold."

"What?" Alexandra raised a brow at him.

Regulus grinned, saying, "Dancing."

But Alexandra shook her head, her smile becoming even broader than his. "I have a better idea."

But before Regulus could ask what she meant, Alexandra made a starting run and stopped, so she slipped on the slightly icy and slippery ground, squealing as she went.

Regulus stared at her in bewilderment. "Er... Alex? What are you doing?"

"Oh, come on! It's fun!" she said excitedly, running and slipping, nearly losing her balance once or twice.

"I'm not gonna do that, you weirdo!" Regulus retorted, but Alexandra only smiled and grabbed his hand, dragging him along.

"Well, you may not have a choice," she said cheekily, running and stopping, so they could slip away.

"AARGH!" Regulus shrieked with his eyes closed and Alexandra roared with laughter at his reaction.

But when they came to a stop, Regulus opened his eyes slowly as he was breathing rapidly, looking around him with his heart beating fast.

"Am I dead?" He breathed out and Alexandra chuckled.

"Are all Blacks dramatic, or is it just you?" Alexandra said teasingly.

"Hey, I'm not dramatic!" Regulus protested, but she only kept on smiling knowingly.

"Oh, all right." He finally huffed out in defeat. "If I do this little dangerous and deadly game of yours," Alexandra rolled her eyes playfully at that, "then you have to dance with me afterward."

Alexandra shrugged, her face lighting up with glee. "I don't mind dancing."

Regulus smiled. "Good."

So with mischievous grins playing on both of their lips, the two started getting a running start only to slip on the icy yard, as if they were children, ice-skating.

"All right," Regulus said after long minutes of playing around on the icy ground, slightly panting, "it's time for your end of the deal."

The faint sound of the slow music came from inside the manor, filling the air around them with its melody. With a smile dangling at the edge of lips, Regulus raised his hand for her to take, bowing his head lightly.

Alexandra giggled and took the sides of her dress, slightly bowing before reaching out and holding his hand. The next moment, Regulus pulled Alexandra toward him that she bumped into his chest with a little gasp, making him chuckle.

The slow music twirled like thread around them as Regulus wrapped an arm around her and with his other hand he held onto hers, swaying softly to the sound of the violins and the piano.

Alexandra kept glancing down at their legs so she wouldn't stomp on his feet. But her head snapped up when Regulus said softly, "Don't look down. Just relax."

Mustering all the confidence she had left in her, Alexandra finally looked up into his grey eyes, her heart leaping from her chest as he gazed back at her. And so they danced to the music, too enchanted by the magical moment that they didn't even realize the little snow flakes falling upon them from the sky above.

At last, as the song was slowly coming to an end, Alexandra rested her head on his chest, closing her eyes. And it was at that moment that she knew... she had fallen in love with Regulus Black.

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