Chapter 09

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There was a rush of excitement at Hogwarts when the first Hogsmeade visit of the term arrived, everyone happy to be able to take a day off school work and enjoy themselves.

      It had taken a lot of persuading from Alexandra to get her grandfather to sign the Hogsmeade form in her third year. For some reason, he despised the idea of Alexandra going somewhere alone, as if he feared for her life. As if someone was going to snatch her the moment she stepped outside unprotectedly.

      But after months of beginning, she had finally convinced her grandfather to sign the permission form. From then on, Mike and Alexandra always went to Hogsmeade together, forgetting all about their homework for a whole day.

       "Ah, fresh air." Mike breathed in and out as they stepped into the village along with the other students. "So where should we go first?"

      "I'm kinda thirsty," said Alexandra. "How about we go to Three Broomsticks first, and then go visit Honeydukes or Zonko's?"

      "Or..." Mike started with mischievous grin upon his lips, "we can go to Hog's Head for some Fire Whiskey. I've heard they don't care if you're off age or not."

       "Mike, we're fifteen."

      "Well, technically, I'll be sixteen in two weeks."

      "Still won't be off age."

      "Oh, you're no fun." Mike rolled his eyes, making Alexandra giggle.

      "Stop nagging like a five year old and just come along." But before Mike could protest, she had wrapped a hand around his upper arm, dragging him forward.

     As soon as they walked into the Three Broomsticks, they were welcomed with warmth and the scent of delicious Butterbeer.

      As usual, Madam Rosmerta was laughing with James Potter and Sirius Black who were standing by the bar, apparently telling her an amusing story that made her chuckle and blush.

      Alexandra heard Mike scoff as they took their seats in their usual corner, taking out their coats and getting cozier.

      "Saint Potter and smooth Mr. Black," Mike mumbled grimly under his breath as he pulled his chair closer to the table.

      "Mike, you really don't have to be jealous of them," said Alexandra, smiling to herself.

      "Jealous? Me!? Pfft!" Mike shook his head. "I just don't get why everyone think they're the height of cool. Like — what do they even have?"

      "Potter is a great Quidditch player —"

      "Hey, I play Quidditch too!" Mike retorted defensively. "And as you can see, I'm our team's captain!"

      "All right..."

      "And what about Black? Huh?"

      "Well... he's really good looking."

      Mike groaned at that. "Ugh, don't tell me you fancy him too!"

      "I don't fancy him," Alexandra said firmly. "But you can't deny that he's the most handsome boy in school."

       Mike cleared his throat.

      "After you, of course." Alexandra smiled at him in mock-sweetness, even though it was obvious that she didn't mean it.

"So, anyway," said Mike, changing the subject, "I'll go get us drinks. You want Butterbeer, right?"

"Oh yes, thank you," said Alexandra, handing her half of money to Mike as he stood up from the table, going toward the bar where Madam Rosmerta was, to order their drinks.

But as Alexandra was right about to reach for her bag to take out a book, her attention was caught when the door to the pub opened and Regulus Black stepped inside, his Slytherin scarf wrapped tightly around his neck against the bitter cold outside.

Alexandra felt her heart flutter at his sight and she nearly dropped her bag, causing her to let out a gasp.

      At the sound, Regulus turned his head abruptly to glance at her direction, but Alexandra had looked away just in time, pretending like she hadn't even seen him.

With that, Regulus's eyes lingered on her a moment longer before he shook his head to himself with a smile and muttered, "Weirdo," before walking away.

Once Alexandra had made sure that he was gone, she finally looked up. She then raised her book up to her face, though she wasn't reading. Instead, she was glancing at Regulus from over her book, watching him order something over the bar before going to a corner and sitting behind the table alone.

But Alexandra was snapped out of her thoughts when Mike returned back to their table with two bottles of Butterbeer in his hands.

"There you go," he said, placing a bottle in front of Alexandra on the table as he sat down again.

But his eyebrows furrowed when he realized that there was a rare pink tinge across her cheeks.

So he then smirked, saying mockingly, "Aww, Alex... do you have a crush on me?"

"You know what I was thinking?" Alexandra started as if she hadn't even heard Mike, her eyes still fixed upon Regulus across the room, who was now taking off his hat and scarf. "Why don't we offer him to come and join us?"

"Who?" Mike followed Alexandra's gaze, but his eyes widened when he realized she wad talking about Regulus Black. "Wha — you've got to be joking!"

"He's all alone, Mike," Alexandra whispered urgently, stealing another glance at Regulus.

"No! Absolutely not!"

"Oh, why not?" She whined.

Mike sighed and then his expression changed to a serious one that Alexandra had never seen before.

"Alex, I know you might think that he's different and all... but look at the family he comes from! Look at his cousins! They all think You-Know-Who's got the right idea in mind! And so does Regulus!" Mike tried to reason. "Look... you're the most kind heart person I've ever met, and I'm worried about you. I... I don't want you to get into any trouble with their kind."

Alexandra remained quiet, looking sideways at Regulus as she bit the inside of her cheek.

"Promise me you wouldn't try to get any closer to him," said Mike, his eyes piercing through hers. She'd never seen him look so worried before. "Promise me, Alex."

Alexandra sighed, finally looking back at Mike and nodding lightly. "Okay."

Raven | 𝘙𝘦𝘨𝘶𝘭𝘶𝘴 𝘉𝘭𝘢𝘤𝘬Where stories live. Discover now