{Press Your Number}

129 8 1

This one is shitty crack one

A groupchat AU i guess lol, it's gonna be gcs, texts, social media and shit.

Attempt of jokes btw

It's just about adding the wrong number in the gc.

Jaemin was supposed to add his crush's number in the gc

But who the fuck is this guy?

Da names Jeno, bitch.


xxx-xxx-xxxx: hey cutie, we have you now ;)

xxx-xxx-xxxx: excuse me?

xxx-xxx-xxxx: great job dumbass, you've embarrassed yourself

xxx-xxx-xxxx: Jaemin that's not Jisung's number you asshat

xxx-xxx-xxxx: of course you would know lELe

xxx-xxx-xxxx: stfu rEnjun, i atleast know my own bff's number

xxx-xxx-xxxx: "bFF" suUUUrrEE

xxx-xxx-xxxx: stfu too hyuck, fuck y'all

xxx-xxx-xxxx: what do you MeAn it's not Jisung's number!?

xxx-xxx-xxxx: Jaemin that number has a 7, Jisung's is 1 you idiot.

xxx-xxx-xxxx: I'm pretty sure i pressed 7 tho,,,,

xxx-xxx-xxxx: ah shit nvm

xxx-xxx-xxxx: it's hard to press numbers when you have shades on to look cool

xxx-xxx-xxxx: that's why you're trying

xxx-xxx-xxxx: chenle was right, stfu rEnjun

xxx-xxx-xxxx: Just add Jisung omfg hurry

xxx-xxx-xxxx: be patient lele tf is up

xxx-xxx-xxxx: me, i smoked two weeds today so you ain't do shit

xxx-xxx-xxxx: can someone please explain what is happening?

xxx-xxx-xxxx: awww this random dude uses "please" that's so cute

xxx-xxx-xxxx: such innocence uwu

xxx-xxx-xxxx: uhm?

xxx-xxx-xxxx: should I leave then?

xxx-xxx-xxxx: yes

xxx-xxx-xxxx: no

xxx-xxx-xxxx Mark!

xxx-xxx-xxxx: deal with this later, add jisung!

xxx-xxx-xxxx: sorry but, who the fuck is Jisung?

xxx-xxx-xxxx: nvm bout innocence, i love him even more now.

xxx-xxx-xxxx: let's keep him!

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