Chapter 10: Link-Up

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We reached Solomon Kutodo's house at about mid-afternoon the next day.  He lived in a farmhouse out in the middle of the hills. He lived in a small, regular-sized next to a large barn. The ruins of a silo stood behind the house. The entire area was surrounded by a low-lying wooden fence. We stopped in front of the house. I let down Emma and Az and reverted back to my human form, brushing off my shirt. As we walked up to the door, a chicken scurried up next to my leg. It looked up at me, but it must have known that I was a werewolf because it squawked and dashed off in a sprayof feathers.

Mr. Tholos, who was now in human form as well, walked up to the doors of the house and knocked. A couple seconds later, a man opened the door from inside. The man was a burly, thickset Asian guy with spiky black hair and brown eyes...or should I say eye. In place of his right eye, he had what looked like a big silver screw with a glowing red dot in the middle. As soon as he saw Mr. Tholos, he let out a cry of happiness and the two hugged for a brief moment.

"Never though that I'd see you again, Steely!" Solomon said with a wide grin.

"Steely?" Emma giggled. Mr.T holos shot her a quick look, then turned back to Solomon.

"Yeah, but I'd hoped we would meet under better circumstances, my friend. Lord Malice and Sir Slaughter are out and about, and they and Slate Face are planning to take over the human world. We need your help stopping them," Mr. Tholos said. There was a long pause.

"Alright. Come on in and we'll talk over a cup of tea," Solomon said.

We all were seated at his dining room table. Solomon had made several cups of green tea, and he brought one for eahc of us. Tessa politely refused hers and Solomon noded, putting her mug back on the counter before joining us at the table. Solomon looked to us, his glowing red screw-eye flashing.

"Alright, well, I'll be willing to help...but I can't speak for the rest of my pack. I know you'll want them, but...I can't go back there. I'll help you though, and Mr. Tholos and I know several other people that could help," Solomon said, gesturing to Mr. Tholos.

"How do you guys know each other?" Tessa asked.

"We were part of an orginization known as N.I.G.H.T.: Night Intelligence Guards of the Hidden Terra. In toherwords, we were almost like a police force of sorts, and we worked around the world helping to stop some of the more vicious monsters from getting out of hand,"Mr. Tholos explained.

"N.I.G.H.T. was disbanded several years ago, but our members still know each other fairly well. In our little divison of N.I.G.H.T., we had two more members," Solomon explained.

"Slick Vic and Icy Ingrid. Vic was a Highkin, which is almost like an elf. They're tall, skinny, super-intelligent, good with weapons, et cetera. Ingrid was a Freezeframe, which are like ice creatures. They were great fighters, and both of them could have handled a whole army of Horkotrolls on their own," Mr. Tholos said.

"We can try to find them next, and then we'll go after some other members of N.I.G.H.T. We could try to find Don Alejo -" Solomon started, before he was cut off by a rumbling outside.

Tessa and Az quickly jumped up and rushed over to the window. Their faces instantly went white with fear. Tessa whipped th eblinds closed and they turned back to us.

"They're here, and this time, they've brought a Melting Maiden," Tessa said.

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