Chapter one- The Little Scavenger's letter

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(A/N I am aware you only get acceptance letters if you live in Britain, but i mean... Its Hamilton, he can get a letter. Edit: I'm currently working on chapter twenty three, and would like you to know this book makes Jefferson insanely evil, there is beating up and harassment involved with this book as well)

I sprinted as fast as i could down the streets of Nevis. Three boys and a dog chased me through the old stone streets. It was not my fault i stole their bread. I mean, whats a starving kid going to do? Actually EAT the food from the orphanage? Now that was unheard of. I quickly skirted behind an old trading post and hid behind it.

The boys ran right past me, down the street with their dog barking loudly. I smirked and hummed as i walked the opposite way. Then I heard barking behind me, and whipped around to see the dog. It must have sniffed me out. I turned and sprinted the other way, but I ran into one of the boys.

"That's our meal," One of them said menacingly.

"technically, it's mine. i'm the one eating it," I said, and took a huge bite out of the bread.

One of the boys lunged at me, and i fell to the ground under their weight. I struggled to get out or their grip, but quickly felt someone punch me in the side. Another boy came up and snatched the bread from my hands. I'm not loosing this time. I thought. 

I pushed myself up, making the guy on top of me fall over in the dirt. Then the strangest thing happened. The bread floated over towards me, it flew right out of one of the boys hands and floated in my direction. I jumped up in the air and caught it without thinking, and sprinted away down the ally way. The boys gave chase again, probably not noticing the fact the bread just flew. Did i do that?

I skirted around some obstacles, then ran up one of the main streets of the tropical island. Nevis was an Island in the Caribbean, we often got pirates stopping by, people from all over came to try and make a profit off of sugar cane. The island was a mountain, with tropical forests surrounding the place. I had grown up here, with my brother, we would play in the tropical forest as children.

But now I, even though I had only just turned fifteen a couple days ago, was not a child. I depended on me, myself and I. My brother, James, left to be a businessman. my mother died when I was younger, from a sickness I survived through. My father had left us before I could even remember. Then moving in with my cousin never worked out, he committed suicide.

And with that, I was alone. An orphan. The only relatives I had where unreachable by letter, because I don't know where they are.  But I had survived in my orphanage. All I needed was a place to live, be able to write, read and sleep. I can handle food and water on my own. The clothing I wore was even stolen, but nobody would care that they lost a cheap pair of pants, A old shirt and some old torn brown jacket.

As I ran through the streets I recognized exactly where I was. I dashed between people, dodging wagons, and ran straight into the forest. The hot humid air instantly because more humid, and it already started to get harder to breathe.

I slid under a small tree, ducked behind some bigger-then-me ferns and finally reached my favorite tree. I quickly grabbed onto the tree and used the lowest branches to help me climb up. Once I reached about halfway up, I stopped to take a breath. 

From up in the jungle tree, I could see the ferns and bushes moving as something moved through them. I squinted through the leaves that blew in the breeze right in my face. I quietly began to eat my bread. Just in case they caught me, I would still at least get the food.

Once they got closer I could see the white clothing they where wearing. I ducked low behind a big cluster of leaves, made sure they weren't looking, then climbed up higher in the tree. I was about three fourths the way up when I spotted my little nest. I jumped up onto it.

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