Chapter twenty five- Its potion time!

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(A/N MANY MANY time skips. The chapter actually was going to be called "HoNeY WhErE ArE ThE KiDs", but I thought this title made more sense. BTW totally forgot to include that all of them have British accents except for Alexander and Lafayette. OOPS. Also I barely edited my grammar for this one so my grammar will be extra bad i this chapter)

I woke up to the sound of a camera. I blinked open my eyes to some Ravenclaws snickering at me. They noticed they saw me and sprinted off. What now? I asked myself. I looked to my right. Oh, that's what. Alex was there, my arms wrapped around him, his face a centimeter away from mine. I pushed myself up and away from him.

He mumbled something in his sleep, and a frown appeared on his face. I unraveled my arms from him, then slid off the bed. I looked around the room, yawning. It was such a nice dorm. I then remembered about the eggs.

I ran over towards the thick blanket, and peered inside. They where all gone. Only Pita and Pip remained. Pip was curled around Pita, sleeping next to her egg. I began to panic. I'm such a bad grandparent! I just let the eggs disappear! I needed to get them back before Alex woke up, or I was dead for sure.

I looked around for suspicious things, and only ended up with a small peace of hair. I examined the hair, wishing I had Sherlock Holmes right now. Alright. Figure out how this happened before Alex wakes up. Can't be that hard.... right? I realized this was nearly impossible... Without a highly skilled assistant.


"HMMmMMmMMMMmMmMMmMmM Interesting," Peggy said, looking through a magnifying glass at the hair.

Yes. Peggy is my super skilled assistant. She is now the only person besides me and Alex who know about Pip and her eggs.

I sat next to Alex on the bed, gently petting his hair. Peggy was crouched in the corner where Pip was squawking loudly. Poor Pip. She was going crazy. When Pip woke up, she slithered around the entire dorm, flew around the ceiling, flew to the Hufflepuff common room just to look around, and now she was panicking while curled around her last egg.

"I think we make Polyjuice Potion, put the hair in it and drink it. Whoever we turn into is the culprit," Peggy decided.

"Sure, whatever. Just do it quick before he wakes up," I said.

"Its not really something you can brew quickly. It takes a month," Peggy said, turning towards me.

"Well then we should speed it up!" I said.

"How?" Peggy asked. "Oh wait a moment..."

"What?" I asked.

"TIME TURNER!" Peggy shouted.

"Whats that?" I asked.

"Its a device that allows you to travel back in time," Peggy said, starting to pace. "If we start brewing the potion a month ago, it would be ready today."

"That... is actually pretty smart," I commented.

"We could ask for it from Eliza," Peggy said, stroking an invisible beard. "She has one. Dad gave it to her as a present."

"Then lets go!" I said, jumping to my feet.

"We need a bigger team," Peggy said. "To gather ingredients, start brewing, and such. We need it all done at once."

"Then lets get us a team," I said, smirking.


"So it needs to be brewed for a month?" Eliza asked. "How are we g- Oh."

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