Chapter four- The Sorting Hat

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(A/N So for everyone I just kind of chose a house that I thought might suit them, although for Alex I went onto Pottermore and took the Hogwarts quiz. I answered the questions in what I thought his answers would be, Don't be mad at me if you don't like his house, be mad at Pottermore lol)

I stepped off the boat slowly, trying my best not to fall into the cold water. It was really dang cold up here in Britain, even though it was September. I followed the kids and the harry wizard up a path and soon into the huge castle like school

The school probably used to be a castle. It had large turrets, green shingles on the roof and the building itself was a gray-tan kind of color. There where bridges, windows,  huge rooms everything you would expect form a castle. There was a huge lake just outside of it too, and in the distance I could spot some weird structure of red, yellow, blue and green towers and six huge hoops.

The harry wizard brought us inside the building through some big doors, and we met up with Professor McGonagall. She gave us some instructions and explained what was going to happen, then she opened the huge doors for us.

Four giant tables where filled with rows of students. All they eyes stared at the group of us, and I noticed most eyes where on me. There was a table full of kids wearing yellow ties. They all smiled at the new kids and greeted them as they walked by. 

The table full of red ties smiled occasionally, but they where more interested in their own conversations with each other then the new kids. The table of blue ties smiled, but where quiet. Some of them read books, others laughed at jokes. Some of them looked kind of evil.

The table full of green ties payed the least attention. They joked around loudly and had to be shushed by multiple teachers. I watched as one of them stabbed their fork into a chicken. Although, I did see that about a quarter of the green ties looked friendly, shaking hands with the first years and smiling.

I walked down with the first years, I was about three inches taller then all of them. I thought that was unfair, as I was a fifth year and everyone thought I looked like a second year.

We reached the front of the huge room, where an old man with a long white beard stood at a golden pedestal with a gold owl spreading its wings on it. Behind him was a large table with teachers seated about six feet apart from each other in tall fancy chairs. 

Professor McGonagall places a four legged-stool on the ground and put an old dirty wizard hat on top. I stared at it, and that is when it began to sing;

"Oh, you may not think I'm pretty, But don't judge on what you see, I'll eat myself if you can find A smarter hat than me. You can keep your black, Your top hats sleek and tall, For I'm the Hogwarts Sorting Hat And I can cap them all. There's nothing hidden in your head The Sorting Hat can't see, So try me on and I will tell you Where you ought to be. You might belong in Gryffindor," The hat sang.

I plugged my ears for the rest of the song. The entire crowd cheered when the hat finished its song, although I just rolled my eyes. I looked around and almost jumped as I saw a ghostly figure emerge from the wall.

I looked around more, and noticed there where lots of ghosts flying around. I looked up and saw something truly magical. The ceiling was open to the sky. The stars shone down on the students, and I could spot a bright moon. After a moment of looking at it more, I realized it was not the real sky. It must be some fake enchantment.

"When I call your name, you will put on the hat and sit on the stool to be sorted," Professor McGonagall said. "Armando, Jake!"

A young boy stepped up excitedly towards the stool. He sat down and McGonagall set the hat on his head.

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