Chapter fourteen- Confession time, here's what I got

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(A/N I did not check my grammar for this chapter, I'm to lazy. So, um... yeah)

Now, a couple days later, before a Quidditch match.

I was trying to figure our away to ask Alex out.

I knew from when I first met him I had feelings for him. To me, love at first sight had always been a fairy tail princess thing that I never believed in. There was no way it was going to turn out well, they where probably evil on the inside.

But when I saw the most handsome man ever at kings cross station, trying to figure out where the heck platform nine and three quarters was, maybe I did start believing in love at first sight. I knew it was not going to work out between us, but he was just so perfect.

I did everything in my ability to make him feel safe at Hogwarts. I tried every way I could to be around him constantly. We passed notes back and forth, and I was that one insane person who kept every single note. I was thinking of confessing to him through a note, but that would be a dumb way.

He was probably not even into guys.

Although, I knew it would take me a long time to ask him out, so yesterday I had confessed I liked him to my closest and most trust worthy friends, Laf and Herc. They said that I should ask him out on the first snow, because it would be romantic. I thought of doing it during a Quidditch game, but Laf quickly dismissed the idea. He was acting very suspicious.

Now I said goodbye to Alex as I went over towards the Hufflepuff Quidditch team changing rooms. 

I was still trying to think of the right way to ask him out. I don't know how I could throw this away. But what was I going to say? I like you No, that sounded to boring. I know you're probably not gay, because you said earlier you're not gay. But then I also said I'm not gay so maybe you where lying too... No, that's dumb. Would you like to go on a date with me? Does not feel right.

Want to go be in a relationship beyond friends? No, dumb. Ugh, why was this so hard. I reached the changing rooms and kept thinking about Alex as I put on my uniform. 

Soon I was out on the field, holding a large bat, chasing a bludger around and trying to hit it as Gryffindors. Lafayette was acting strange. I took a glance at him, and he was paying way to much attention to the snitch he was chasing. He usually didn't have so much determination to catch it.

With him on full focus like this, there was no way Hufflepuff was going to win. Lafayette was a legend who was expected to move onto professional Quidditch. Just as the game started, it ended as Lafayette almost risked his life to lounge at the snitch.

The crowd cheered to one of the fastest games in history. Instead of Lafayette flying towards the ground and celebrating, though, he flew over to Hercules. What is going on here? I though, my brain still processing the fact that we just lost within like one freaking minute.

Lafayette flew over towards Hercules as he landed on the ground. Lafayette stood in front of Hercules, the snitch in his hand. Then Lafayette crouched down on one knee, and I heard him say;

"Hercules, will you be my boyfriend."

I paused. 

Now that- that was the most epic way to ask someone out. Alex didn't deserve me. Lafayette freaking caught a snitch in a minute and asked Hercules out with it. What the hedgehogs. I don't think my brain can take all this.

"Oh my god yes!" Hercules shouted and hugged Laf.

The crowd cheered.

My brain still was confused right now. Everything happened so fast.

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