Chapter twenty seven- A-Aron

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I am a girl. I was born a boy. That's a fact, to me anyway. My pure blooded family would have never accepted that, so I never told them. When I arrived at Hogwarts, a scared little first year Slytherin, life was hard. But into a month of suffering alone, I met Thomas Jefferson.

He said I would be able to join his group, and they would make me awesome and popular. Thomas was so innocent back then. The first year Gryffindor. Although, unlike me, he had made friends quickly, and had already established his mark on the school.

I joined his group. I decided, with my new friends, I could tell them I was a girl. 

"Thomas," I had started one day around the end of May, or early June.

"Yes?" Thomas had asked me.

The rest of the group was there too. All of them had their eyes on me. I took a deep breath.

"Um, I-I would like you to call me by my pronouns of she/her," I had stuttered nervously.

"Is this a joke?" Thomas had asked.

"N-no," I said nervously.

They all stared at me for a second, then burst out laughing. The entire group was laughing their heads off at me.

"Whats funny?" I asked.

"You aren't a girl," Charles had said.

"Yes I am," I said confidently.

"If you are a girl, then you can't stay in our friend group," Thomas said.

I had opened my mouth in astonishment. These people had accepted me my entire life, and now that they know I was not a boy, they wanted to kick me out. The most confusing part was that Maria Reynolds, a girl, had been in this group from the start. What Thomas against trans people? 

But I knew what I had to do. If they didn't accept me for who I was, they they'll just never have to talk with me again. I cast one last glance at Thomas, my closest friend, then turned around and walked away.

"Where are you going?" Thomas asked.

"You told me to leave if I'm a girl," I had hissed.

The next two months where worse then ever. I was bullied by random people I never met, beat up and left to bleed on the floor. I remember the Schuyler sisters helping me one day.

"Come on," Eliza had invited me to her table to sit next to her.

I had nervously sat down by her. That's when I had spotted Thomas glaring at me. He stood up from the Gryffindor table and walked over to me.

"Aaron," he had whispered when Eliza was looking away.

"What?" I asked.

"Do you want back into our group?" Thomas had asked.

"Yes," I replied, not lying at all.

"Then admit you're a boy, and throw that pie in Eliza's face," Thomas instructed.

"Why would I join the group again if you won't let me be who I am?" I asked.

"Do it or we send more bullies your way," Tomas threatened, then walked off.

I had looked back at Eliza. She had been kind to me, but I wanted to be back with Thomas. He was a great friend to me, even if he was cruel at times. I picked up the pie slowly, my eyes not leaving Eliza. She laughed at me as I picked up the pie.

"Your gonna eat all that?" She had asked.

I bit my lip, then slammed the pie into her face. The entire table went quiet, and I looked around, seeing Thomas nod in approval from ten feet away.

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