Chapter twenty eight- Ladadette

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(A/N First, this ^^^ is beautiful. Second, I deleted it, but I had a chapter called 'Read this as soon as you can'. It said "I have this very stupid idea that makes no sense, and one idea that would make sense. Both of these ideas work in the scenario I am planning on creating. Comment 'A' if you wan't the one that makes no sense, and 'B' if you want it to make sense."

'A' won the vote 7 to 0. 

So, here I am, writing this... weirdness. REMEMBER YOU GUYS WANTED THIS! As Scar always says, "Be Prepaaaaaaaaaaaared". Lion King reference. Anyway, enjoy this crap :)

I laid in the snow in the courtyard, my scarf wrapped around me. I stared through the small amount of snow falling down from the sky at a long line of students. All of them had their thick winter scarves on, and an extra cloak the school offered along with the uniform.

I yawned and looked up at the sky, my arms stretched out at my sides as I had previously made a snow angel and was to lazy to move. The students where here because they where being verified to go to Hogsmeade. All the students had certificates, which their parents signed their names on. Their parents signatures where the permission to go.

Of course, I couldn't go, I have no parents. Except I have Professor Hamilton... which I was not going to risk asking him to sign it. My original plan was that I was going to walk up to him, say "You are my favorite teacher and father figure! Can you sign this for me?" But that would be way to embarrassing.

I had explained my situation to John, who had told Aaron, Lafayette and Hercules. He told me to wait out here, and he would join me in three hours with the paper and a legal signature, or some other way to get me in.

I trusted him. But I was also worried. Was he going to use an illegal curse and get Professor Hamilton to sign the paper? Was he going to steal someones paper, and tie up that someone so they can't get away and I can use their paper instead?

A million different situations ran through my head.

"ALEX!" John shouted.

I lifted my head up and saw him running at me, a paper in his hand.

"GOT IT!" He yelled, skidding to a halt in front of me and sitting in the snow.

I snatched the paper away from him, sitting criss-crossed now. 

"Marquis de Lafayette," I read from the place a guardian or parent signature is supposed to be. "John you can't do that."

"Yes I CAN!" Lafayette yelled, running over and almost crashing into a pile of snow as she skirted in front of me.

"No you can't," I said slowly, getting nervous. This was not on my list of scenarios.

Lafayette gave John the most scary smirk ever seen in existence. That's when Aaron and Hercules ran over as well, excitement and amusement gleaming in their eyes. I looked at all of them, one at a time. Suddenly Lafayette wrapped his arm around me.

"Can't wait to tour you around Hogsmeade," He smiled. Then he added, "Son."

Holy hedgehogs drinking holy British tea on a holy winter day- NO! 


"Hey son want some more ice cream," Lafayette asked.

I hid my face in Johns scarf, trying to not even look at Lafayette.

"No I don't wan't any ice cream, for the millionth time," I groaned through the thick fabric.

"Wanna go play catch?" Lafayette asked.

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