Chapter nineteen- Jefferson you fat arrogant loud-mouth national embarrassment

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(A/N Warnings: Getting beat up, manipulation, controlling... lets just say Jefferson is back. This chapter is a couple hundred words shorter then usual, may feel a bit rushed, although I came up with the best insult ever so its all okay [An insult that's a paragraph long])

Five days later, I was not mad at John anymore. He apologized multiple times, until I could bare it no longer, and jumped into his arms very dramatically. I will never be able to be mad at him, its too hard. I held his hand as we walked down the hallways towards Care of Magical Creatures class, which I was looking forward too. 

Through the library, I learned my creature was an Occamy. They have a snake like body, coated in iridescent blue and purple feathers, with bird wings and a bird beak. They can shrink and grow in size, and are very hard to tame. I've been feeding it bugs, which it seems to love, and I temporarily named it Blue. 

I smiled up at John as we talked, lovingly staring into his eyes. I know, a bit creepy, but we where a couple so it was fine. John had started calling me 'Lexi' which I thought was insanely adorable and my heart melted every time he said it. I laughed quietly at a joke he just made.

That's when I ran into something, or someone.

"Alexander," Jefferson's voice drooled.

I froze in place, avoiding eye contact.

"I've been looking for you," He said. "I know you want to get back with me, and just have not had the courage to break up with John. That's alright though, I can do it for you."

I tried to protest but my lips where sealed shut. I was able to force myself to move backwards, away from him. I accidentally glanced at his eyes. Now I was completely frozen, held by his evil gaze.

"Come here baby," He said, reaching a hand to me.

"Lexi, stay away from him, get over here," I heard John say gently.

I couldn't. I couldn't move.

"Johnny, face it, he doesn't like you. Hes just been to afraid to break up with you, come here baby," Jefferson said, a smirk on his evil face.

Benjamin, Aaron and Charles came up behind him, evil glinting in their eyes.

"Come here, or John faces the ultimate punishment," Jefferson said suddenly, his tone changing from sweet to pure evil and demanding.

"Lexi, don't do it, come here," John hissed from behind me.

Suddenly Charles and Aaron broke away from their friends and walked towards John. I was able to pry my eyes away from Jefferson to watch as they punched him.

"Stop!" I wailed in fear.

"Come here babe," Jefferson commanded.

"D-don't Le-" John was interrupted by his out terrifying scream as he was kicked in the face.

"Stop... Please," I begged, turning towards Jefferson.

"Come here then," Jefferson smirked.

I slowly walked towards him, fidgeting my fingers together. I took a glance over my shoulder to see Charles taking out his wand.

"Don't hurt him, please," I said as I stood right next to Jefferson.


"Stop," Jefferson interrupted Charles.

I stared in horror at Johns body on the floor. Blood poured out of him, and he flinched, and whimpered like a dying puppy. And they where about to use Crucio. One of the worst spells in the universe. It was forbidden, punishable by prison. The torture curse, making unbearable pain come to those it has been cast on.

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