Small things that remind them of you

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You guys were so nice omg on my photo reveal 🥺
I like for real started to cry
So thank you for all the nice words

Also one last thing
So my someone in my family has just diagnosed with a sleeping thingy and they can't sleep
so I've been up this whole weekend helping them so I haven't gotten sleep so I'm sorry about the lack of updates
So here's a fast chapter:/


- rainbows
- every time you see one on the way home you can't help but to stop and stare
- and every time you do so hinata can't help but to look at you with your bright eyes and blush about how carefree and light you are
- now when the team goes on morning runs he stares at every rainbow thinking about you and the team has to yell at him to start jogging again

- floor tiles
- whenever your at a place with floor tiles you always hope from one to the other
- he always steps back and shakes his head while lowkey laughing at you
- you always turn around and stick your tongue out
- so when he's walking somewhere with this flooring he can't help but think about doing it too

- movie theaters
- that's one of your favorite places he takes you
- the way you giggle and drag him through the wavy halls drives him crazy
- he can barley see your face through the lot screen but that's enough for him
- anytime he smells the popcorn he goes crazy because of you

- fishes!
- that's where he took you for your first date together
- he remembers ever single thing that happened that night
- so whenever he sees the fish in the pound he day dreams

- drums
- while Christmas shopping you guys found yourselves in a music store
- even though he doesn't play anything
- "watch this" you whispered over to him and say in the drum section
- you tried you best to play something but everyone looked at you like you were crazy and you left blushing followed by Tanaka laughing his ass off

- books
- you love to braid his hair and play with it while he reads
- the feelings of your hands in his hair is his favorite thing ever
- now when he reads he can't help but to rub his own head wishing you were there

- monsters
- he has a addiction
- so his mom made him stop getting them LMAO
- until you came along and oh so gracefully snuck some for him
- he drinks them with tears in his eyes because of how generous you are

- frys
- like I said in the beginning of the book you were good friends with Yamas
- so whenever the three of you guys go to eat you give him your soggy fries and he loves how sweet you are it do that
- now when him and yamagucci go out to eat and yams looks at him to see is he would give him his fries tsukishima looks at him like "I'm not y/n?"

- shoelaces
- you always bend down and tie his shoes for him!
- it's just a sweet thing you do and think nothing of
- but Yamaguchi is balling about it
- he hates doing it for himself now
- he loves feeling babied by you ngl

Aoba Johsai

- boba (:
- he loves to take you to different shops and he has addiction to it
- your his boba buddy
- he can't drink it without you he feels like he's a dirty cheater

- morning jogs
- idk about you but I can't run to save my life
- so when he asked you to come you agreed wanting to spend time with him
- you could barely keep up even tho you were trying your hardest
- he saw you trying to catch him but giggled and slowed his pace
- at the end he was very proud and bagged to the whole school about it

Mad dog
-burned popcorn
- he gave you the wonderful opportunity to make the popcorn for the movie night
- but popcorn can be so hard to make literally all the time
- so you burned it and the whole house smelled
- he was trying to act irritated but he couldn't help but to laugh while you tried to grab the bad and throw it away

Nekoma high

- ear buds
- during work time you guys always share
- he give you the one furthest as a excuse for you to get closer to him
- he also loves when you try to reach for the phone to change the song
- he hates having both in now

- failed science experiments
- when Kuroo texts you guys asking what your doing and you say gaming nothing gets him more upset
- so he brings over some of his favorite science things and tells you guys to "go crazy"
- you and kenma sat at the table trying to figure out how to work it
- literally you both had no idea and messed around with it
- whenever he has to do a experiment without you he gets upset

- homework
- he hates doing homework so much
- but when he does it with you he doesn't hate it that much

Fukurodani Academy

- gas stations
- this one night sound really weird but it's for a very special boy
- whenever he has a craving for something but it's far too late he always calls you Because he KNOWS you'll be up for a late night run
- he knows goofing off in stores is so distracting and lowkey rude but he does it anyways because he's with you
- so when Akashi tells him to "stop running around" he grumbles
- "y/n wouldn't tell me that your not the boss of me" and pouts

- rain
- whenever it gets dark and cloudy you point your nose to the sky and whisper "I think it's going to rain soon" with a soft smile
- and this never fails to take his breath away
- so whenever he's at practice he can see the clouds darken from a window and thinks about how thrilled you are for the upcoming storm

Shiratorizawa Academy

- sunny mornings
- in his room he has a window facing his bed
- so every time you sleep over he gets to see your beautiful face being kissed by the sun
- he stares at you for hours literally
- whenever you wake up he gets red on the tip of his ears and turns away shyly

- socks
- whenever you see some weird type of sock you immediately buy it for him!
- he has a full draw that he switches the sock look every day
- in class he stares down at the tiny bit of sock showing and thinks About you
- the team thinks he's crazy

Johzenji High

- loud music
- he always thinks of the way you shout every lyric when he drives you somewhere
- and the way you glare at him when he turns it down he thinks it's adorable
- so when he's at party's without you he can't help but to listen for your voice in the crowd

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