Them jealous

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This one is a little shorter but tyty for reading (:


- clingy
- Threats
- He likes to hold on to your arms or hide behind your back
- It just depends on what they looks like
- if he thinks he can "take him" he'll throw more threats
- if not he's whispering the SAME threats

- puts his arm around your shoulder
- Doesn't really care if you talk to different boys/people but if they say something weird or flirty he drags you away
- Then he's clingy for a couple of days

- Literally could not care less
- You wanna talk to other people
- Go ahead
- But if they are rude to you then he'll tell them to back off

- pouty
- Mutters underneath his breath
- Rubs your hand
- Kisses your check
- After the person leaves he gets more embarrassing

- At first he was very jealous of other people
- But then in the relationship he gets more comfortable with you talking to other people
- Hand around your waist at all times tho

- He gets more shy
- Like he's the one their flirting with
- Puts his head on your shoulder
- Will most likely say something after they

- tells them to stop
- Right away
- Stop making eye contact
- Stop breathing
- He makes sure they know that your his

- Literally a BULLY
- Rude comments
- Makes fun of their height
- He makes fun of their mother
- He could care less about how "rude" he's being

- it could to two ways
- Puts his head in your neck
- Shy
- I mean he is insecure
- So he gets quiet
- Asks you nicely to "stop talking to them but only if you want to"
- Or he could make fun of them like he dose with tsuki but a little less vocal

Aoba Johsai

- tells you he doesn't care
- (He dose care)
- Acts cool and unbothered
- Tbh sometimes he's not acting
- He knows you like him and he likes you
- Knows he's fine too
- But after?
- Forces you to cuddle with him

- Puts his giant arm around your lower waist
- Glares
- Rubs your thigh
- Grunts to let them know that he's apart of the conversation too

Nekoma high

- More smirky than usual
- If they compliment you he'll agree and shake his head
- Join in on simping
- Lays his head on your shoulder
- Honestly having the time of his life complementing you
- But will tell them to go away if they make you uncomfortable

- Lays down on your lap
- Interested in his games
- Try's to make a excuse go get you away
- If you ask him if he was jealous he mutters underneath his breath
- "I'm not jealous why would I be jealous"

- whiny
- He could be so rude without trying
- "You really think someone like them would go for you?"
- Tells you he's leaving and bored

Fukurodani Academy

- two things can happen
- Emo mode
- Or simp mode
- " yeah they dose have a bright smile!"
- Fully invested into the conversation
- Or he could try to drag you away and pout
- "You wouldn't even leave me for him righ?"

- he lays on your shoulder
- And plays with your hair
- Doesn't really get over protective
- But when they say something weird he is done and ready to take you home
- Tells him that it's rude to talk about people like that

Shiratorizawa Academy

- doesn't really process that their interest in you
- Thinks it's just a complement
- But when he asks for your number he just says no
- And then tells him that your his "significant other and the love of his life" he is ready to give him a presentation on why he loves you

- makes fun of them low key
- Uses humor to make it seem like a small deal
- But it really hurt him
- You reassured him that you love only him but he gets insecure easily
- But he always trusts you and knows you didn't mean to
- Then later on in the relationship it's not a big deal anymore

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