Catching feelings

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- he realized he likes you when he got excited to see you
- Like more excited then you usually gets
- The whole team knows who you are too
- Like sometimes a random team member will say good morning to you
- He also told his sister about you
- She already likes you

- He realized he liked you when he caught himself staring at you a little too much
- He started to see habits that you have
- Like you started to notice how you chew on your pencil when you get stuck on a question
- Or when you tilt your head when you are confused
- Little things like that was cute to him
- Plus you have somewhat a interest in volleyball so he gets blush's when you help him set

- Daichi started to like you when he walked you home
- You would do this thing when a loud noise happens you would jump closer to him
- He thought it was cute when you were frightened
- He also realized that he didn't want anything to happen to you
- I mean this boy went out of his way to walk you home every day
- And he got mad at the team a little bit less

- Suga literally always knew he liked you
- He see you in the halls sometimes and made it his goal to become "friends"
- He likes your hair too
- Always have
- Maybe it's a bit creepy but he found you really attractive
- He told them team about you and sometimes they would try to help

- He realizes he liked you when you would giggle at his jokes
- At first he didn't find you that attractive
- But then as time when on he started to see how beautiful you are
- Plus sometimes you would make him lunch
- He literally that that was the cutest thing ever

- he started to like you since you weren't scared  of him
- So he kept tutoring you
- Also he thought your baby brother was cute
- And when you take care of him is even cuter
- He always thinks about how you would be a good parent

- Noya started to like you the more you helped him practice
- He realized how good you were
- He thought you looked hot when you played too
- After he was off of suspension he still asked for your help to spend more time with you

- he found himself started to text you out of the group chat
- Sometimes when Yamaguchi was busy you two chat
- He would tell you about how annoying some of the team mates are
- You too played 8 ball a lot too
- He would sometimes randomly send you game pigeon
- When you asked if he just wanted to talk he told you to shut up
- Then asked what you were doing

- He found himself attracted to you as you kept explaining him self care products
- He kinda got bored but he loved hearing you talk
- He kept thinking of ways to get closer to you
- Until Tsukishima got tired of it and just asked you to go to their game.
- Omg he was so shy
- Put you have him a head pat after and he literally fell in love at that moment

Aoba Johsai

- he thought it was so cute the way you would try to sneak stuff away from him
- The face you made when you got caught was precious
- You would go to his games too
- He played extra well when you were there
- One time after a game he "lost his keys" and had to stay at your house till his parents got him
- You guys sat awkwardly and watched a movie
- Until that got boring and you decided to play Mario kart
- Let's just say that was interesting

- he thought it was cute the way you didn't say anything to oikawa when he dragged you around
- Also making fun of oikawa was the highlight of his day
- Sometimes in the morning he found himself taking time to make himself look nice
- Oikawa knew before he did ngl
- So oikawa always made him hang out with you
- Sometimes he "had to leave" early on a walk home from school
- Iwaizumi was nervous that it would get awkward but you held a conversation pretty well

Nekoma High

- easy he just thought you were hot
- Ever since that night he has
- He didn't really expect to get anywhere with it
- Like if he was lucky a he would get a one night stand
- So he started to hang out with you
- Until he realized that he might have caught feelings
- So you started to hang out with you more

- Kenma was on the game a little bit less when he was around you
- He also made kuroo go to game stop with him almost everyday
- The kuroo understood what was happing
- Kuroo started to flirt with you just to see if he was right about kenma
- And kenmas reaction gave it away
- After they went home kuroo told kenma that you liked him
- And he asked for advice

- Like some of the other boys he's always none he liked you
- Coming to see you at work was just a every week thing
- Plus he liked the food
- You likes to see how long it takes you to blush with his comments

Fukurodani Academy

- he literally didn't know till akaashi told him
- "Isn't y/n the cutest"
- "You like them don't you" akaashi would roll his eyes as his best friend just realized
- He looks up corny pick up lines and jokes to tell you

-  he was always attracted to how hard you worked
- At first he thought you were inspirational
- But then he realized it was more
- He would sometimes make bokuto strike up a conversation
- Sometimes he would mention a game for you to go
- And of course you did
- Which gave him butterflies

Shiratorizawa Academy

- he realized he liked you when he changes his usual jog route to "run into you"
- He kept telling himself that it was because you had a cute dog
- But when tendou told him that he likes you you didn't even try to deny it
- His phone search history is stuff like "how to talk to a girl" or "how to tell is a girl likes you

- The literal minute you stuck up for tendou he realize how much he liked you
- He could already tell how good of a person you were
- And he found that attractive
- Not only were you super attractive but funny too
- And you could keep up with tendou conversation
- Which he loved about you

An- thanks for reading and hit the vote thing for more 😊😚

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