Whats their type ~girls~

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Okay guys please don't be offended about this this is my opinion (:
If you want me to do another one like this but for the the guys or just gender neutral lmk


- I think he would be into short bubbly blonds
- But like to him looks don't matter
- Anyone who he could talk to or listen to him
- He thinks it's cute when girls put hair accessories in like a bret or headband
- If your shorter than him in any way it's such a plus
- I think he would be into someone like who skips when the walk or just talk fast when they get excited

- I just know this man wants a big titty goth girl
- Like I think he's into emo/goth or any type of alternative look
- He doesn't really care about like body type as long as your cute
- I think he would like dark or dyed hair
- He would help them dye her hair and go to hot topic with them

- okay hear me out daichi is a thigh man
- Like it doesn't matter if their small or big he LOVES to put his hand on your thighs
- I think he's into like low key shy girls
- Or like really loud girls
- There is no middle for him

- I don't think he really has a type tbh
- He just knows things he didn't like
- Like I don't think he would like girls that are obnoxiously loud and rude in public
- Like yelling at a waiter he would be like 😐
- I think he would like pure girls tho
- Like not innocent but like if they generally have a good personality and draws in to her

- yes
- he likes any girls, any race, any body
- He KNOWS girls are gods
- But I think he's into like more grunge girls
- Like the 90s grunge mostly
- Anyone who he knows would have a good time doing anything reckless

- soft girls
- the cute ones that have plants in their room and talks to them
- Something deep down in my heart says he likes chubby girls 🥺
- He loves tummy and would never want you to be insecure

- any type of girls tbh
- He loves when girls where skirts and fishnets or tights
- Definitely has a thing for rbf like if you look mean but are actually really chill he would fall in love so fast

- I think he would be into tall girls
- Like the ones with long legs absolutely gorgeous
- He thinks braces is super cute
- And if you play a sport it's also a plus
- Maybe not the smartest so he can tutor them

- really really nice girls
- like the girls you think are fake but generally are that nice
- I think he also has a thing for braces and maybe glasses
- I think he's really into the like rainbow colors and bright pastel

Aoba Johsai

- Tbh I think when it comes down to it he likes personality over looks
- I feel like even if you were a shy girl in class he could still love you
- Like if you don't draw attention he wants to be the only thing that does give you attention
- A classic popular boy and shy girl complex
- I think he also has a thing for glasses

- if you are competitive and love sports then you 100% have a good chance
- I think he's into like girls that smirk and fell in pictures
- Bruh girls basically
- I think he would really be into long wavy or thick hair

Mad dog
- Soft girls
- Anyone who can calm him down and simply make him 🥺
- I think he would be attracted to girls with soft figures and long eyelashes
- The complete opposite of him

Nekoma high

- A exact mix of bruh and hi girls
- I think he would love someone who laughs at everything
- I couldn't definitely see him with someone with darker skin or a different race
- He doesn't care about wait and thinks

- Not even just girls that like to game someone who will watch and get excited with him
- Someone who is good at bullying and insults
- Someone who literally could not care less about anything and doesn't really like attention
- I think he likes tall girls too

- I think he falls for popular girls super quick
- Like maybe even the mean ones he can't help it
- I think he loves blond or brunette hair and long legs like his
- His favorite colors on other girls is like blue and pink and maybe white

Fukurodani Academy

- it's canon he likes cubby girls
- Thinks their adorable
- Likes through thigh jewelry the ones with the hearts
- Anyone who he can make laugh or flusters easily and someone he can look at for hours

- Girls he can't keep up with
- Like if their minds are going faster than him he loves the rush
- I think he had a thing for curly or long hair
- He loves when girls where jewelry or some type of nice perfume
- Like when they sleep good all the time

Shiratorizawa Academy

- someone who can get him about of his comfort zone
- I think he falls for girls he shouldn't
- Bad girls 😈
- What I mean by that is like he thinks his type is smart quiet nice girls but then he'll have a crush on a messy chaotic girl with bad grades and messy hair (tendou)

- chaotic girls
- Doesn't matter what they look like
- Just someone he knows he can make thirst traps and party all night with them
- Someone who can keep up with him
- He just wants someone fun
- I think he has a thing for sweet short girls who giggle a lot

Johzenji High

- okay this is my opinion but I think he's really into lightskines/ darkskins
- But he would be super cringey and call you'll like "dark angels goddess"
- But he loves any other races so much
- Especially if your into your culture a ton
- Also I think he's into bigger features
- Like bigger hips or lips

Can someone please lmk if this is offense like I'm having a hard time posting it because I'm talking about body imagine a lot

but please love yourselves and don't change for anyone like I really do love yall and appreciate you guys.

Haikyuu boyfriend scenarios Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon