they do your makeup

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I'm just going to finish requests

Because the mha is like just starting and the how you meet stuff is BORING

So I'm back if you like it or now


- he only knows how to use the dollar store little kid makeup because of his sister
- He told you sometimes he does it with her so he's basically pro
- He gets low key nervous when your about to see how he did
- He would prefer to just watch you put it on

- He didn't want to do it until you said
- "It's not like you could do it better than me"
- Now your sitting in front of him on the floor legs tangled and he's telling at you to sit still
- Ngl it doesn't look the worst
- Like there's a couple things he messed up on
- But it looks like a middle school girl did it so he's proud

- he'll sure as hell try
- But only like lipstick and patting your face with the makeup sponge
- He's really good at taking it off tho
- Like absolutely BOMB
- he offers to do it if you had a long day

- Omg he loves it
- He'll ask to do your makeup 24/7
- Like he does it more than you
- Every single time after he turns to you and asks
- "Am I getting better be honest?!"
- He washes your brushes for you when your gone or leave them at his house

- he tried it once and you laughed at him because it was all smudges at stuff
- he literally never wants to do it again
- "I just don't wanna mess up this time you'll laugh at Me"
- So next time he was so patient and tried his best
- You've never been more proud

- he doesn't really like to do it
- But he'll try he's best
- After he's done he rubes the back of his head and whisperers "it's not the best"
- Not even going to lie it's not the worst
- Like you might even wear it to school
- Alright who taught him to blend

- he's begging for you to let him
- but you know how it's going to go
- the amount of times he's knocked over your makeup
- he'll just stick to watching and praising
- he's learning securely at home for u to let him do it

- "this is stupid"
- for the first 5 minutes he feels embarrassed and bored until he really starts to get into it
- like he's low key having fun
- every time your about to do it he asks if you need help "because it will go faster

- he loves when you put cute stickers on your face
- he always asks for you to let him put them on
- "wow your so good at makeup y/n!"
- literally loves when you show him pictures of stuff you want to do and he helps you stay motivated

Aoba Johsai

- Everyone knows this man most likely y can do makeup
- He watches YouTube videos like story time and makeup
- he try's his best but with all the makeup videos he watches he thinks he's literally the best when he's just alright

- He'll clean the bathroom after your done putting makeup on
- He just doesn't want to break anything for like ruin your products
- He doesn't have the slightest clue on how to even start a look
- Once you asked to use his phone to look up what time a restaurant closes and you saw "makeup tips for beginners" last googled

Mad dog
- the only thing he loves doing for your makeup is taking off your fake eyelashes
- Like the first time you did that in front of him he was like 😯
- If you go to his house with your eyelashes on he gets excited knowing he can take them off
- "Eyelash time?"

Nekoma high

- he doesn't really do it for you
- But like it he'll read the labels to you and tell you what ones are toxic
- "You know you should throw this away it has Formaldehyde in it"
- He loves to buy you stuff for new looks as long as it has nothing bad in it

- He just won't
- Like I'm sorry but he's not going to do it
- He'll watch you and always complement the way you look after
- But he will NOT be picking up the brushes
- Maybe if there was a time you needed him to take off your makeup he'll do that
- He'll softy hold your cheek to his face and softly rub the wipe on your face 🥺

- oh boy
- This man is basically a CHILD
- He's giggling while putting lipstick on your eyelids cause he doesn't know what to use
- He always says he knows what he's doing but guess what he doesn't know
- Whenever you take over he's pouting but you could honestly care less

Fukurodani Academy

- he's either just having fun and messing around with it
- Or very seriously and wants it to look THE best
- Like when he is focusing he sticks his tongue out (like when someone if working hard)
- He gets high key upset when you don't wear the look
- Also please don't ask him to take it off for you he does not know what he's doing

- he's so good
- Like I feel like he's in makeup TikTok for no reason
- He loves doing it for you because he gets to touch your face
- He loves when you do soft pink or blue looks
- But if he had to chose he would rather do your hair
- He also knows exactly what product you use for everything

Shiratorizawa Academy

- he will not be trying
- Like he'll hold your brushes and makeup
- But I feel like he does not understand anything about it
- Like he'll try to put colors that don't even go together
- But he takes your makeup off like a BOSS
- like he understands self care
- And he washed your face for you if you get tired

- he likes to like do more unique looks
- Like not makeup but ✨art✨
- He makes you do his after too
- He loves eyeshadow
- But he would honestly wear eyeliner to school
- He thinks it's funny if he sleep in it because then when you wake up it's all smeared LMAO

Johzenji High

- he try's to do a smoky look but he just smears black eyeshadow all over
- He's really good at mascara or putting on your eyelashes
- He likes to do it because he can get really close to you
- But if he ever had to take it off he would do it halfway complaining his arms are tired

This is the week I'm going to be spell checking all 86 chapters 😀

Tell me how y'all have been like how was your

I hope y'all are happy I'm back lmao

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