You have a nightmare

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K so I'm like having a hard time lately and don't know if I can publish as much anymore
With school and some other things I might take a quick break
I love y'all that's for the support

I also started that one story the text haikyuu
So check that out if you want but I'll probably be taking a break from that one too 💕


- Worried
- " I don't want you to have another one. Are you sure your okay?"
- Kisses you on your nose

- " is there something I can do to help?"
- Ngl he wants to go back to sleep
- but he'll stay up with you as long as you need

- he'll do anything for you in that moment
- "Don't even worry about it just tell me what to do"
- He hates staying up late but he'll do it for you

-  he hates seeing you in pain and crying
- he's really concerned
- "Do you need to go to the doctors? Is it bad?"
- Wants to make you better super quick

- "I'll protect you don't worry about it!"
- wants to see you laugh instead of cry
- Hates that he can't do anything

- I think he's a heavy sleeper
- Most likely slept through it
- But in the morning he apologized

- wants to do something
- "Hey I know what can get your mind off things"
- Tells you how strong you are

- acts like he doesn't care
- "Everyone has dreams go back to sleep"
- But when you do he rubs your back/ head
- And whispers sweet things in your head

- calls his mom to see what he can do to help
- Rubs your head
- "I-I dont really know what to do to help so please tell me

Aoba Johsai

- also doesn't really know what to do
- He kisses you and hypes you up
- "Your to pretty to worry about things like this, but I know I know it's alright love"

- ngl homeboy is tired
- He probably just kisses you and whispers "go back to sleep love I got you"
- And let's you sleep on his arms

Mad dog
- try's his best to calm you down
- he try's for a good 30min until he calls his older sister
- she talks to you while he stands in the door frame like 🧍

Nekoma high

- he's ready to throw hands
- "Are you sure it wasn't anyone in real life?
- He's hyping you up
- Ends up making you laugh

- he's probably up while your sleeping
- Sees you tossing and turning
- Let's you play on his game and shows you hints while you lay with your head on his chest
- " hey don't worry about it I need to take a break from gaming anyways"

- at first he thinks it's not a big deal, everyone dreams right?
- But when he sees how shaken up you are he lets you lay on him
- "I don't know why you didn't tell me it was this bad babe

Fukurodani Academy

-  will try to use humor to cheer you up when you wake up
- "Hey he couldn't have been scarier than me right! I could take anyone for you
- Doesn't really know how to cheer you up
- But he does give you cuddles

- He try's to wake you up and is worried when you don't
- When you do he gets you anything you need tea, water, medicine
- "Y/N it's okay I promise I'll be here

Shiratorizawa Academy

- doesn't understand what's so scary about dreams until you tell him what happened
- Kisses your forehead and hugs you
- "It's okay now y/n

- if he sees that your having one he'll try his best to wake you up
- He rubs your back and tells stop sweet things
- "That was just a dream my love, shhh i got you"

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