Teasing and being teased

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An/ rant

Am I the only one who hates the haikyuu jokes, like they were funny until we based like Daichi just off of being dead or like Suga being a mom

Like they were funny for a fat minute but now that all people make jokes about and I think that's overtaking the characters there's so much more to them then jus atsuma (is that his name) being Sangwoo just because he has piss yellow hair 😭

Omg sorry that sounded so mean I didn't meant to offend anyone ):


- he teases you back when you tease him
- otherwise he just teases your test scorer even if you did better than him
- doesn't care to tease you that much tho like only once in a while

- I feel like he just pokes you
- like not teasing but he's just annoying
- "sorry what?"
- pretends to not hear you a lot
- when you try to help him set he makes fun of you too

- I feel like he never does
- but if he did it would be for your laugh
- like he thinks it's cute but at the same time he always giggles while he does it
-  he doesn't like to tease you that much tho I couldn't see him doing it that much

- soft teasing
- would never make fun of something your insecure about
- like ever
- only things he knows you would laugh about
- he always laughs at you when you do something stupid but he's laughing with you

- he's always teasing you
- about having good/bad grades
- he thinks it's so funny for no reason
- if your bad at volleyball he teases your about that too
- no one else can tease you only him no counterclaim

- he's so sweet with it
- soft giggles
- he likes to make fun of your hair when it's messy
- "wow you look very nice today"
- he always makes sure you get the joke so you don't feel bad

- he makes fun of both of you
- "who do we think we are"
- if he's going to make fun of you he's going to be in the joke too
- he doesn't like to tease you that much other then
- " call me senpai"
- he likes to make you flustered too

- this man 🙄
- your grades, height, age, laugh, hobby's, the way you run
- literally everything and anything
- he wouldn't go far enough to make you actually insecure or joke about things he knows about
- but if he didn't know he would feel bad
- " I'm sorry... hey you know I didn't mean it"

- he's to nice to tease you ngl
- but when other people make fun of you he try's not to giggle
- people forget he use to make fun of people with Tsukishima
- but he would never make the joke first
- Like if your friend made fun of you he would be like
- "I know their joking but I'm sorry ITS FUNNY"
- he holds it in as long as he can tho

Aoba Johsai

- He boots his ego while he does it
- "Wow you can not stop following me are you in love with me or something?"
- Also puts you in with his fan girls
- "What are you a privileged fan?"
- He can be so irritating sometimes
- He also sneaks pictures of you all the time as well

- he never really teases you
- He's super soft to you
- He only makes fun of you when you like snort while you laugh or cough really loud
- Any loud noise you make he thinks it's FUNNY
- You too just make eye contact and than he burts out laughing
- He makes a face like 🙂
- "It's not even that f-funny y/n"

Mad dog
- he teases you with stuff you wear
- Like clothes or makeup
- Don't get him wrong he likes it
- Even loves the way you dress
- He just makes fun if it
- "Why would you wear that?"
- "Your makeup doesn't match"
- He's so mean sometimes he learns to tone it down just a bit so he picks on something you know he likes

Nekoma high

- He implies things all the time
- Even though he barley knows what he's talking about
- "That was she said... more like you tho"
- Like that doesn't even make sense Kuroo sit down
- Kuroo can barely watch health videos about sex without blushing
- But for some reason this is so funny to him
- Like he's such a teenage middle school boy

- he likes to tease you for losing in games
- "You can't even beat level 5?"
- He rolls his eyes and beats it for you
- Never failing to make comments about it
- "That was the easiest level y/n I'm low key disappointed"
- He pretends to be mad a lot too
- I feel like he's super salty
- "I'm not talking to you"
- He'll random say and then he WONT FOR LIKE THRITY MINUTES

- what do you think it's going to be about?
- Your height
- Every single day he brings it up
- "Oh you haven't grown yet, how embarrassing"
- Everyone is so tired of it
- He thinks it's the funniest thing ever

Fukurodani Academy

- This man is always teasing you
- Literally about every thing
- He's mom told him to tease people he likes and he lives by that
- "Your just that in love with me huh?"
- He likes to boost his ego while he does it too
- "I would fall in love with someone this cool too"

- He mostly teases you when you get flustered
- "Why are you blushing so much?"
- He makes you embarrassed on purpose to see your face turn all red
- To make you fluttered he rubs your hand while you hold in are look right into your eyes while he talks
- He knows he's perfect uses against everyone

Shiratorizawa Academy

- He uses jokes he hears the team or tendou say
- He wants to be funny so he really trys really hard
- He teases you about your height mostly
- (I assume no one is as tall as him but if you are that's so so cool)
- " sorry I didn't hear you from down there"
- He loves seeing you react and try to hit him while he's holding in laughter

- He is always teasing you smh
- He loves the look that you make when you finally get joke
- He makes jokes about everything except your physical appearance
- He understands how it feels and would never want you to experience it
- "Tendou I failed my test"
- King of sarcasm

Sorry if some of them were rushed

Birthday time 🙄❌💯🧢🔥

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