Watching scary movies

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Sorry this is short


- he is terrified
- he's holding onto you like his life depends on it
- you both are clinging on to each other and popcorn is going literally EVERYWHERE

- he's shaking
- he's thinking too much about it and scared himself into being more scared
- he's hanging on with all his strength
- at the end of the movie he's like
- "ugh yeah wasn't even scary"

- he gets scared and then laughs after it
- when you suggested a scary movie he was so down
- " you can scoot closer come here"
- he's having a blast
- even single time you jump he like coos at you

- he's having so much fun
- he loves being scared
- he's holding onto giggling at something stupid their doing like walking alone at night
- " if we were ever in something like this I would protect you with my life"
- and then you guys giggle more about his plan to save you

- he was so ready to protect you
- A for effort
- "no this isn't even scary baby I could take them"
- he is now dragging you upstairs to make sure he is safe while brushing his teeth
- at least he got cuddles in the end

- he can't
- unless you promised to not let go of his hand
- his eyes are shut tight he's trusting you with his LIFE
- "y/n it's just a movie right? Then why did it say based of a real story"

- he's being a little too extra
- he's running around screaming
- his body has so much energy in it
- he can't sleep for weeks
- have fun cuddling him to sleep

- he is sitting there with his arms crossed literally wanting to leave
- but when something scary does happen his body jumps so high
- like his body literally took a screenshot
- "what do you mean that never happened"

- he's so nervous
- like he's shaking
- he's mostly hanging onto you
- but after the movie I think he likes it and wants to watch another
- "y/n were you ask scared as I was! Maybe we'll just have to sit closer"

Aoba Johsai

- he's so scared
- like he hates being scared it's a whole thing y'all talked about it
- the only reason he's staying there with you is because he thinks the noises your making are little the CUTEST
- he replays the noises in his head over and over again

- he only flinched twice and he is very proud of that
- "yeah well I wasn't even scared so heh"
- now you guys have a scary movie night every week
- so he can prove how tough he is

Mad dog
- he's looking at you like 😒
- "babe it's not even scary come onnn"
- he's grumping cause you won't stop making noises
- but he doesn't tell you to stop because he thinks it cute

Nekoma high

- his only concern right now is to protect you with his life
- like he keeps dragging it on
- it's low key cute like you can barley watch the movie
- his tickling your sides while while laughing along with you and whispering
- "oh sweetheart your that scared? I'll protect you! Your prince in shining armor is here!l

- his eyes are multitasking
- looking down to his switch and then to tv to screen then to you
- he doesn't really make noises when he gets scared
- he just jumps so dramatically
- like you can feel the whiplash he got in his neck
- " well of course I flinched who wouldn't"

- he's screaming
- not even just words whenever a jump scare come on he just goes
- even after it's past
- he won't be able to sleep without you for weeks

Fukurodani Academy

- he's not "scared"
- "y/n this is nothing could you imagine being scared about this AHHAHA not meeee"
- he's clinging onto you like he's actually going to die
- Akashi is on his way over to tuck you guys into bed

- he does not get scared easily
- the scariest thing to him is hearing "HEY HEY HEY" from a distance
- this is nothing
- if he sees your to scared he'll turn off the movie
- he is already clearing his schedule for him to be sleeping with you for the next week for you to be able to sleep
- "*hmmmm it's okay y/n just close your eyes in here"

Shiratorizawa Academy

- he'll flinch but only if it's super unexpected
- he doesn't really care for them to be honest
- "why are you holding onto me so tight"
- he thinks it's cute
- like he's ready to watch another just for you to be that clingy to him

- he's more scary then the movie
- when he wants to scare someone he wants to SCARE them
- like idk what it is but he really flipped a switch
- his favorite thing is watching you literally shake from fear (if u get scared easily)
- "y/nnnnnn don't mind meee"
- he gives off a vibe of he could do anything in a matter of seconds

Johzenji High

- he is so excited
- he loves everything about scary movies with you
- he loves the way his heart beats from you being so close to him and the movie scaring him
- "no I'm not scared why are you?"

Sorry this one was short
Also I love it when you guys comment I literally read all of them not even joking so please keep commenting it makes my whole day

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