Them in a haunted house

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- he just goes in because he wants to prove to the team he wasn't cared
- he's screaming at EVERYTHING
- like anything pops out and he speeds up
- After he comes out with a shaky grin talking about "see I only cried twice"

- every one except him not to be scared but he is
- his eyes just widen and he walks faster he doesn't want anyone to know he is scared so bad he can barely breath right
- After he's like
- "No it wasn't that bad"

- Like they make no sense at all
- They just came out his mouth
- The whole team looks at him like 😀

- He's laughing every time he gets scared
- like he's having fun I guess
- Like he likes them?
- No one can tell because he's screaming and cursing the actors out
- Then complementing their acting skills

- he is trying to impress his little manager so hard - "hey we can go in together and hold hands"
- she ended up sitting on the bench with asahi
- Tanka went with noya and lost his SHIT

- He is not going in nor going in in the future
- he's on the bench holding the teams bags
- He doesn't care if noya makes fun of him either
- He's straight chilling

- Him and tanka are terrified
- Like the fear they have right now
- Their all hugging and shuffling
- "Come on man we can do this"
- They scream at everything

- he just goes in to prove to yams that it isn't that bad
- He's not really scared of stuff like that and he wanted tadashi to go in
- "See it wasn't that bad, if I can do it you can do it or are you a wimp"
- Secretly he is such a good friend

- he really does not want to go in
- like he's almost in tears of like fear
- He hates being scared
- But the team makes him go anyways 💀
- In there he realizes that it's not that bad
- He want to go a second time

Aoba Johsai

- he's acting like it's no big deal
- "Oh come on are you guys chickens?"
- In the middle or it he whispers over to iwa like
- "Okay it is a little scary"
- He won't admit he scared his HEAD off

- he's pushing oikawa through the whole thing
- "Walk fasterrr"
- Like he wants to see oikawa LOSE HIS MIND
- He's just there for oikawa to get scared

Mad dog
- low key kinda unfazed
- Like if something does scare him he just jumps and flinches but that's it
- He makes fun of the rest of the team when they get scared over nothing

Nekoma high

- Him and bokuto are doing to much
- Their scaring the actors
- Their racing through
- Their falling and tripping
- Like they are having the TIME of their life's

- he simply is not going in
- Like he will BITE kuroo if he makes him
- He is not even there
- Hinata offered to sit out with him and kenma is literally so thankful
- Now Kenma is buying him cotton candy
- He's scaring the rest of the team with the actors
- like yes he is scared
- But he wants to see kuroo CRY
- he won't stop even out of the house

Fukurodani Academy

- him and kuroo are SPRINTING through the whole thing
- Like if there's a jump scare then they both drop and then start running again
- The way that their done in 3 seconds 🙄

- he really does not want to go
- Like he's trying everything he can not to go
- If he does bokuto Offers to hold his hand and you know what he might hold it
- He's shutting his eyes during the scary parts
- But after he doesn't think it's that bad and t

Shiratorizawa Academy

- I think he's okay with most of the story just pop outs scare the HELL out of him
- "It's really not that- AHHH"
- Like he's not really scared of the dark or decoration but when the clown come out he's grabbing on tendous shirt and never letting go
- If tendou asks if that was ushijimas hand on him he'll be like "you might be feeling things my hands were to myself"

- he is unfazed
- Like he's talking to the actors and asking them questions
- "What's it like working here is it fun?"
- Like he might even ask for a little form so he can work there too

Johzenji High

- I think he's having the time of his life to he honest
- Like it's not like he's scared but after he thought it was the funniest
- Like he loves feeling scared he went in like 5 more times

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