They watch you put makeup on

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K I know I'm so behind in request I'm really trying but I'm so busy with violin and volleyball


- loves bright and happy looks
- Holds your brushes tightly and try's his best not to mix it up
- Really loves any look you do
- Asks you to show him how to do it or what to help with

- likes dark and dark purple looks
- He doesn't really watch you put it on
- Could care less what you dum with your face
- "You look nice"
- He's so flustered when you wear his favorite colors

- he'll let you take your time
- "I mean of course it takes long to make I look so nice!"
- He loves brown looks
- Also autumn looks is his favorite
- He thinks it makes you look smart
- But wouldn't let you put it on him he hates how it feels

- loves pastel colors
- Fan girls to you"
- He loves when you match your outfit with your makeup
- He sends you looks he wants you to try
- For every holiday he gets stuff you wanted
- And he cleans your work space while you do it

- he loves lip gloss
- could stare at your lips all day
- "Wow the color is so pretty"
- Doesn't really care about what else you put on but lip gloss is so cute to him
- He really enjoys a soft pink look

- It's the dark browns and light browns for him
- He loves the soft dark academic look (is that's what is called?)
- He sits and waits for brown
- "I love it it's perfect"
- Lets you take your time
- Loves the finishing product

- loves anything
- He likes e girl looks like the little heart
- " it's cute!"
- He loves emo too I feel like
- But could watch you do your eyeliner for hours
- He finds it so neat
- "Your really good at it the way it's so smooth!"
- He loves you natural when your home alone too

- also likes blue or yellow looks
- Watches you put it on
- "Your not bad I guess"
- He hates when you wear a lot a lot
- Like if it's totally noticeable he'll tell you
- "Fix your makeup bud"

- Dark green for him is his favorite
- He washes your makeup brushes
- And goggles to make sure the product isn't hurting your face in anyways
- "Wow they look cute"
- He never tells you this out loud he thinks it's embarrassing

Aoba Johsai

- he's always watching makeup videos even if he doesn't like makeup
- He makes fun of you for the products you use
- "Ew you know that gives you pimples?"
- Buys you better ones
- He loves light pink on you for like eye makeup
- Always making you put it on him

- loves blue looks
- He doesn't care when you wear it
- When you do it he sits there on his phone
- Always lets you take your time
- He would sit there for hours
- Will be annoyed something's but will let you do what you got to do
- "Y/n your mascara is a little smeared"

Mad dog
- loves natural makeup
- He can't tell when you wear it or not
- 100% he freaks out when you take off your eyelashes
- Then he'll ask to take them out next time
- "Can I do it again next time?"
- Thinks it's so cool

Nekoma high

- loves red looks
- He also loves Smokey eyes
- He just loves heavy makeup
- He knows you can pull of whatever
- He holds and washes your brushes for you
- He also likes to pick out a outfit based off of your makeup
- "See the reds are matching so it goes with your lipstick"

- likes pink looks the best
- "I really like pink I guess"
- He loves gaming while you ask him questions about how you look
- Thinks your beautiful any way with or without it
- He doesn't really care what you do to be honest as long as your happy with the way you look

- would definitely help you out with it's cakey or bad
- "Wow your going out like that? Try using this first"
- He knows about makeup because of his sister - he's got you
- But when your all done he gets excited about how good you look
- "Wow didn't know you could look like this sometimes

Fukurodani Academy

- definitely likes all natural looks
- He won't be rude about it but low key pouts
- "But you look so perfect without makeup"
- Knows you don't do it for him so he lets you do your thing sometimes
- But he just loves seeing your natural face

- he lives for when you put on light blue looks
- He loves the fact you can pull off a natural look while looking so good with makeup on
- "Wow your makeup looks amazing once again"
- He wants to learn how to do it so you let him practice on you
- "Are you sure I'm doing this right y/n? I don't know about this"

Shiratorizawa Academy

- loves when you use purple
- clueless
- "But why?"
- He'll let you put makeup on him for practice
- "I don't mind, if it's for you to get better than go ahead"
- He doesn't understand when the team makes fun of him for liking with you put makeup on him

- thinks you look good with like gothic or darker makeup
- "You look good"
- He would ask questions about what your putting on and why
- "Wait so this stuff does what"
- Loves sending you looks to try
- 100 % has tried to do your makeup before
- Or makes you do his all the time

I'm so tired I can't anymore

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