Them at a sleepover

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^ me writing while my cheeks are swollen BUT JUST FOR YALL BECAUSE I LOVE YALL

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^ me writing while my cheeks are swollen


- he is on the phone with his mom trying to convince her to let him stay the night
- Everyone is listening in to the conversation laughing cause he sounds like a CHILD
- "Mom come on please it will be so fun and I'll do my chores when I get home in the morning"
- When she gives him the go ahead he has a sugar rush and passes out on the couch at 11:30

- him and Hinata are having a intense thumb war game
- Hinata would cheat and Kageyama would slap him across his WHOLE face
- He would fall asleep around 10pm
- He's sleeping on the floor text to Hinata and every time Hinata pokes him he LOSES HIS MIND

- please let him sleep
- Right now he is unclogging the sink because noya and Tanaka dropped their chains in it trying to make a thirst trap on tiktok
- After he gets it out he's in the bed
- He said only one person can share the bed with him and then it turned into Suga and Asahi all on the bed with him telling each other secrets

- he's having so much fun
- he's the type to want to play 20 questions or like truth or dare
- Talking games>>>
- "Ok Asahi have you lost your virginity?"
- Daichi gets mad at him for asking such inappropriate question
- "What were all men here?"

- him and noya like I said are making thirst traps in the mirror
- They also took some pictures for Instagram
- What a iconic duo
- Daichi is yelling at the for dropping the chain into the sink and made them go to bed early
- Now he is imagining a completely fake scenario with him and Kiyoko

- he's chilling
- he's watching the movie they put on for everyone
- He keeps looking around to see if anyone else is paying attention (their not)
- He gets up to grab something from the kitchen and sees the dog
- He sits down for a solid 30 minutes petting the dog

- he's hyping up Tanaka to text ms. Kiyoko
- "Come on man it's now or never"
- When Tanaka doesn't do it he does it himself only to be left in opened
- He's also play fighting anyone who walks past him
- "your stronger than that Tsukishima!"

- he does not want to be there
- The only reason he is there is Yamaguchi because he's never had a sleepover with anyone else except Tsukishima
- "Come on let's just go to sleep already"
- He's texting his mom begging her to pick him up
- When he wakes up he probably has stuff drawn on his face
- He ends up brawling with everyone there

- he's having so much fun with Suga and Hinata
- Right now their listening to one of those "top ten things girls don't find attractive about men"
- Their all giggling and comparing things they don't have in common
- He checks up with Tsukishima once in while to make sure he's having fun too (he's not)

Aoba Johsai

- he's not going to sleep without doing his skin care
- "Come on iwa do it with me, that's why you have acne"
- Everyone at least fought him once
- He's the type to say something to stupid while everyone is trying to sleep everyone is either annoyed with him or having a laughing fit with him

- he's alrighty in bed
- He's the type to put on a anime and make the team watch it all
- It's something like Naruto
- They end up having weekly slumber party's while watching Naruto

Mad dog
- He wants to sleep
- If anyone says ANYTHING while he's sleeping he'll fight them
- He's the type to fight his friends like in a punching match and post it on his snap story tagging the rest of the team

Nekoma high

- He helps (makes) everyone study with him
- "Come on guys we can hang out after you guys finish your chemistry homework
- The team is tired of him
- After they get it done he watches dr stone on his phone till he falls asleep in the chain like how some dads do

- he's on the game
- Someone will end up wanting to play with him so he puts it on the tv
- They all end up playing Mario kart while laughing at kenma destroying everyone
- "You guys suck wtf"

- he oh so desperately wants to play trust or dare
- "Come on guys dare to eat the dog food I'll do it there's not a dare I won't do"
- No one wants to play with him tho ):
- Until yaku decided to play with him
- But he ended up daring lev to go home 😭

Fukurodani Academy

- When bokuto heard he was invited to a sleepover he got excited and started to plan some things out
- "At 4:30 were going to the zoo then after we'll go to dinner at 7:00"
- He get frustrated when no one is sticking to the plan
- Akashi has to promise him he'll do those things with him
- Now he's trying to get everyone to have a pillow fight with him at 3am

- I think he has a thing for gossip
- Whenever he hears someone talking about something that's not his business he's like 😃🙂
- He'll even join in sometimes too
- He's a late night sleeper
- Him and Kenna are talking about videos games or school or anything
- Antisocial club right there

Shiratorizawa Academy

- he doesn't understand while someone would want to do this for fun
- He is sitting low key a little too close to tendou reading manga on his phone
- Whenever people ask him if he wants to do something he just looks at tendou
- If he does it so will Ushijima
- He would probably leave early and not spend the night he wants to sleep in his own bed

- He's trying to convince everyone to smoke with him
- "Come on guys it's fun"
- If they don't he's in the bathroom trying to figure out if he's real or not
- If he ends up not smoking at all he is trying to convince goshiki that he is not actually real and tendou is just a figment if goshikis imagine
- Tendou ends up passing out legs and arms everywhere right next to goshiki

Johzenji High

- He wants to be doing something extra
- Like right now their just playing on a game or watching a movie
- "Come on guys let's go OUT"
- Right now his snap story is like
- "Su to come over and party"
- He just wants to have a chaotic night
- He would probably go to sleep at like 2am
- If the persons house he's sleeping over at has a hot sister you already know he's going to be annoying her all night

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