A/n: Plans for the future

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Sooooo..... book number one is done. I probably should have written this sooner, but better later than never.

When I first started this project I had no idea where it was going to go. I had no idea whether I would like my writing and where I would end up with this.

Thruthfully, not everything turned out the way I had planned out at first, but I'm happy that it didn't as I don't think that the book would have been this much fun to write, had I gone with my first draft.

As for my plans for the future of Anabeth, I actually have two things planned. Firstly, I'm going to write a second book which will continue her story. Secondly, I'm going to create a book called Anabeth Extra in which I will post summaries of original ideas I never actually used, pictures of items from the books (e.g. the necklace Petro gave her, or the pin from Satine), left out scenes that could have been interesting, and other things that relate to the books but don't really fit in them.

I plan to have Anabeth Extra set up within the next hour. You will be able to find the book on my profile for anyone that's interested.

As for the second book, I really had a problem with writers block with it to be truthfull. But I finally figured out where I want to go with the story and I'm back on track now which is good.

My plan is to have the first chapter online within in the next week, maybe even this weekend, depending on how much trouble the cover is still going to cause. Either way, I'll make sure to post another author's note once the book is published.

Until then I would like to thank everyone for reading this story. Thank you to all of you that commented and voted for this book. Thank you for enjoying my work. I love writing and to know that my work is appreciated by someone just makes it even better.

On that note, I'm going to stop and safe the real deep words for when I actually finish Anabeth's story (which thankfully I'm still far away from at the moment). Instead, I'll go and get some nice hot choclate now and start working on the cover for the second book.

See you guys soon!

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