Chapter 23 - Message From Mandalore

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"Alright, let's go again" Obi-Wan instructed Ana who was groaning as she got back onto her feet. "Remind me again why we're doing this" she complained as she grasped her lightsaber tighter with her right hand and a training saber tighter with her left hand. "Duel wielding is a standard part of combat training. You never know when using two blades might come in handy" Master Kenobi explained.

"So what you really mean is that I will need to know how to wield two lightsabers simaltaniously once I get my second crystal to bond with me" Ana replied sarcastically. "I suppose one could also put it that way" the Jedi Master replied as he took position opposite Anabeth. "Unbelieveable" she muttered with a sigh as she half-heartedly took position as well. It was late in the evening and Anabeth had no desire to do even a single thing that didn't include going to bed.

"Fine, one last time and then you can continue practicing with Master Windu tomorrow" Obi-Wan finally offered. Anabeth gave him a grateful nodd as she braced herself for Obi-Wan's attack. However, it never came and instead the Jedi Master's comlink started to beep. "I have to take this" he said before quickly turning off his lightsaber and clipping it to his belt to take the call. Ana did the same as she slowly walked over to him to see who was calling.

"Kenobi here" Obi-Wan picked up. "We recieved a transmission you better come and take a look at" Master Mundi's voice rang through the com "and you might want to bring Anabeth along". "We're on our way" Master Kenobi replied as he turned to Ana "You got lucky, no more training for today".

"You summoned us?" Ana made their presence in the room know. She was surpirsed to find only Master Yoda and Master Mundi to be present. The two Jedi Masters barely looked at them before turning back to the transmittor and pressing a button to play a message. Obi-Wan and Ana stepped closer curiously when the holographic image of none other than Satine Kryze appeared in front of them. Ana knew that this couldn't be good.

"This is a message for Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anabeth Velar" Satine's voice echoed through the room. "I've lost Mandalore. My people have been massacred, and Almec is now the prime Minister. I can't explain everything now, but Almec has the support of the crime families. Obi-Wan, I need your help". The room was silent for a minute as both Obi-Wan and Ana stared at where the image of Satine had been only a few seconds ago.

"Your thoughts on this, Master Kenobi?" Master Mundi pushed for them to say something. "Satine has been at odds with the Death Watch for years, and according to a report from Padawan Tano, they are no longer in league with the Sepratists. If there was a takeover on Mandalore, it was most likely and independant act caused by the Death Watch alone" Obi-Wan began to asses the situation.

"Without involvement from the Sepratists, this is an internal affair for the Manadalorians. I'm afraid we cannot help". "We cannot just hand Mandalore over to these crime families and let Satine become a martyr" Obi-Wan argued, almost sounding overly emotional about the situation. "I'm afraid her decision to keep Mandalore neutral makes this situation difficult" Master Mundi tried to be diplomatic, "And since when has difficult ever stopped us? The way I see it we have a planet in need of some peace keeping. Isn't that our job?" Ana rushed to Obi-Wan's aid.

"Understand your point I do. But to take action, support from the Republic Senate we will need" Yoda joined the discussion. Anabeth was going to respond when Obi-Wan stopped her with his attempt to be diplomatic "You know what the Senate will decide. They will not send aid to a neutral system". "At this time, nothing more can we do" Yoda let them know that there was nothing more to be discussed here.

"Since when do need permission from the Senate to go places? The last time I checked the Jedi were and independant organisation and didn't fall under the authority of the Republic" Ana complained as Obi-Wan and her walked through the empty hallways of the Temple. "We don't need permission, but our troops do. If we send them to Mandalore without their approval we'd be starting yet another war". "Then why not send some Jedi to quietly invstigate the matter and free Satine? It would be the least we can do for her and the planet" Ana argued.

She had expected to hear a lenghty explaination as to why this wouldn't be possible but instead Obi-Wan remained quiet. "Wait, you're planning going to Mandalore, aren't you?" she asked in disbelieve as she realised what he was planning. "I want to come with you". "Ana, I am already breaking the rules by going without the Council's approval. I can't just make you be my partner in crime and put your life in danger over this".

"You're not making me do it, I'm asking you for it" she determinedly pointed out. "Ana, it would be irresponsible and beyond my authority to take you along. I need you to stay here, alright? I promise, I won't be gone long". Ana knew that Obi-Wan meant well by forbidding her to come to Mandalore with him, but this was not his decision to make. "Fine" she pretended to agree with him.

Ana wished him goodbye and good luck and promised him not to tell anyone where he was going as they parted ways. However, as soon as Obi-Wan was out of sight Ana masked her presence in the force and turned around to follow him. It turned out that he had decided to borrow one of Anakin's ships for this little detour so it couldn't be traced. And while Obi-Wan ran pre flight checks she snuck herself onboard and hid in the cargo hold.

She almost felt sorry for going against orders by sneeking away with Obi-Wan, but she was not about to sit still while Satine's life was in danger. She had the feeling that there was more to the takeover on Mandalore than meets the eye and if that was the case than Obi-Wan would sooner or later be thankful to have her there with him. For now however, all she had to do was wait for the ship to get them to their destination.

So this chapter is a bit shorter than usual but this is due to the reason that it is part of the last story ark of this book and it didn't make sense to cut it anywhere else. To make up for it the next chapter, which will also be the last chapter, is going to be a little longer than my usual chapters. I'll probably be uploading it tomorrow as firstly, I'm still putting final touches on it and it probably won't be ready today, and secondly, because I'm nit sure I am emotionally ready to end this book yet. I know I'll be making a second part to it, but it still feels weird to finish this after soending almost every weekend of the last four months, and at the beginning when I was on summer break even up to three days extra, writing this. But before I get too off track here again I'm going to stop and save some more words for the A/n I will post either tomorrow or on Monday. For now it's back to finishing the final chapter for me...

Anabeth: Spark Of ChangeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora